
微型群桩在公路路堑滑坡中的应用研究 被引量:6

Study on the Application of Micro-group Piles in Highway Cutting
摘要 目前,微型桩作为一种有效且经济的新型支挡结构,因其对地层的适应性强、施工工艺简单、造价低及对滑体扰动小且安全快速等特点,逐渐在滑坡治理中得到推广与应用。本文通过微型群桩在安徽某省道滑坡工程的应用实例,探讨微型桩组合结构在滑坡治理中的设计方法,阐述了滑坡削坡卸载后利用钢轨微型群桩分级加固滑坡方案,并在施工完成后进行现场变形监测研究,结果表明边坡逐渐趋于稳定,本滑坡的综合治理措施行之有效,可为类似的公路滑坡治理工程提供借鉴。 Now, as an effective and economical new type of retaining structure, micropile has gradually been widely popularized and used in landslide controldue to its features of strong adaptability to the formation, simple construction process, low cost, small disturbance to the sliding body ,as being safe and fast. In this paper, according to the application of micro-group piles in a provincial road landslide project in anhui province, the design method of microile composite structure in landslide management will be discussed, the landslide scheme used in reinforce the landslide after the landslide is unloaded will be elaborated,And study on the deformation monitoring in construction is completed, the results show that the slope stable gradually, the landslide comprehensive control measures are effective and can provide reference for similar highway landslide control project.
作者 周银宝 贺晓华 马明 Zhou YinBao;He XiaoHua;Ma Ming(Anhui Hongtai Traffic Engineering Design Institute co.LTD,Hefei,230088 China)
出处 《安徽建筑大学学报》 2018年第4期45-52,共8页 Journal of Anhui Jianzhu University
关键词 滑坡 钢轨微型桩 滑坡稳定性 计算方法 变形监测 The landslide Rail micro pile Landslide stability Calculation method Deformation monitoring
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