

A Discussion on The Commentary Book of Qing Poetry and Its Poetic Significance
摘要 由王文濡选评、王懋和郭绍虞注释的《清诗评注读本》,为近代重要的清诗选本之一,在清诗评注史上占有重要地位。但目前学界对其研究尚属空白。《清诗评注读本》开创了"现选、现评、现注"三结合的新的诗选体例。选源与前人所编清诗总集无关,当直接源自清人诗集。王文濡之所以编选《清诗评注读本》,不仅为了示人以学诗门径,而且为了发扬诗学国粹,并以唐诗为标杆、为清诗张目。为此,王氏在选阵上按不同的诗歌体裁来编排目次。诗体上以律诗为主,对清代诗人既"等量齐观"又"不因人废诗",内容题材上则侧重咏古。此选本彰显了王氏的诗学观:崇尚唐诗雄浑之美;作诗要有真性情并善于创新;诗歌要循温柔敦厚之旨;力主神韵;诗歌语言既要清新流转又要隽永幽远。《清诗评注读本》有助于清诗的普及、经典化和指导民国时期的诗歌创作,也为清诗评注史提供了新的理念,并有利于清诗史、清诗总集及清诗选本学研究的深化。 Edited and commented by Wang Wenru, annotated by Wang Mao and Guo Shaoyu, The Commentary Book of Qing Poetry is one of the important anthologies of Qing poetry in modern times and plays an important rolein the history of Qing poetry annotation. However, there is still a gap in this academic field. The Qing poetry com-mentary reading book initiated a new style of poetry selection combining "present selection, present evaluation andpresent annotation". The source of poetry selection had nothing to do with the collection of Qing poetry compiled bypredecessors and was derived from the writer's poetry anthology in Qing dynasty.Wang Wenru compiled the com-mentary book not only to show people how to learn poetry, but also to promote the quintessence of poetics, and to setTang poetry as the benchmark for carrying forward the Qing poetry. For this reason, Wang arranged his program ac-cording to different poetic genres. In terms of poetic genres, the rhythm poetry was the main one,and he regarded thepoets of the Qing dynasty not only as "equal in quantity" but also as "not invalidating poems for people", also fo-cused on the theme of chanting the ancient times.This anthology revealed Wang's poetics view: advocated the mag-nificent beauty of Tang poetry; poetry should be genuine and creative; poetry should follow the tenet of gentleness;aspired the charm of spirit; poetic language should be both fresh and flowing and meaningful.The Commentary Book of Qing Poetry would contribute to the popularity and classicality of the Qing poetry, provide poetic guidance duringthe period of the republic of China, also provide a new idea for the history of the Qing poetry comment. It would helpdeepen the research of the Qing dynasty poetic history, collection and anthology of the Qing poetry too.
作者 孙文周 王卓华 SUN Wen-zhou;WANG Zhuo-hua(School of Arts,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210097;School of Literature and Media,Yulin Normal University,Yulin,Guangxi 537000)
出处 《玉林师范学院学报》 2018年第3期77-84,共8页 Journal of Yulin Normal University
基金 上海大学中华诗词创作与研究中心重点攻关项目(项目编号:17&ZDXM) 上海市高原学科攻关项目"清诗总集研究专题"相关成果 国家社科基金重大项目(项目编号:13&ZD118) 国家社科基金重点项目(批准号:15AZD046)的阶段性成果
关键词 王文濡 清诗评注读本 诗学意义 Wang Wenliu The Commentary Book of Qing Poetry poetic significance
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