

Problem of Lethargy in the Work of Bottom-Rung Civil Servants and Its Resolution
摘要 全面从严治党以来,官场风气有了很大转变,以往贪污腐化、脱离群众、为政失范等不正常现象逐步减少,但不可忽视的是,懒政惰政问题在公务员队伍尤其是在基层公务员队伍中日渐增多。其在思想上表现为对自身职业认同感降低,在行动上表现为对群众的利益诉求应而不做,严重影响了党和政府的形象和地方经济社会的发展。懒政惰政问题产生的原因主要有偏低的个人收入与较高的执业要求之间产生了认知的错位,既往权力自我膨胀的倾向与从严治党的硬性要求产生了冲突,晋升通道的拥堵与寻求出路的困难导致慵懒散成为主要选择。解决懒政惰政问题需要随着经济社会发展为基层公务员提供合理的经济收入保障,应制定明确的基层公务员行为规范以解除其不必要的后顾之忧,并建立顺畅的基层公务员准入退出机制以激发其工作积极性。 Ever since the initiation of strict administration of the Party, there has been found an obvious change in the workingstyle of the officialdom which is demonstrated in the gradual reduction of corruption, isolation from the public, illegality in thepractice of public power, etc. However, there can be no denial of the fact that lethargy is becoming prevalent within the circle ofcivil servants, especially those at the bottom rung, which, ideologically, is found in the reduced recognition of their own career,and in their behaviors, is manifested in the inactivity after the acceptance of the complaints of the mass, severely compromisingthe image of the Party and the government as well as the development of local economy. The problem of lethargy comes mainlyout of the disparity between the relatively low personal income and the relatively high professional requirements. The severeconflict between the self-expansion of power and rigid requirements in the strict administration of the Party, coupled with con-gestion in promotion and the difficulty in findinga different way out has resulted in the choice of laziness, disinterestedness andlethargy. Resolution of the problem should be found in the provision of a reasonable income for the public servants in questionparalleling the development of economy and society and in the removal of future worries with clearly defined regulations fortheir behavior together witha smooth mechanism for admittance and exit of such public servants.
作者 黄少平 黄颖 HUANG Shaoping;HUANG Ying(Institute of Marxism,Huaihua University,Huaihua 418000,Hunan,China;Schoolof Politics and Administration,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,Guangdong,China)
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2018年第4期8-13,共6页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
基金 湖南省党的创新理论研究资助项目(16DZXC06)
关键词 从严治党 基层公务员 懒政惰政 administrating the Party comprehensively and strictly civil servants at the bottom rung lethargy
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