

Discussion on Energy Saving Technology of Clean Energy Absorption
摘要 针对北方冬季风电消纳的两种途径,依据热力发电厂热经济性评价方法,对不同形式的机组采取不同深度调峰的改造路线,进行了节能分析。结果表明:在发电侧,纯凝机组应首先进行深度调峰,热电联产机组增设蓄热罐,为风电等清洁能源让出发电空间;在用电侧,对供热锅炉实施电锅炉改造,消纳剩余风电。 For energy saving purposes, a retrofit scheme was proposed for the two ways of wind power absorption in north China in winter, by adopting peaking strategy at different degrees for different forms of power generation, according to the thermal economy analysis method of thermal power plant. Results show that, on the side of power plant, for pure condensing units, deep peaking should be taken at first, while for heat and power cogeneration units, an accumulator tank should be added, so as to make way for wind power absorption; whereas on the side of user, heating boilers should be transformed into electric boilers, to leave space for wind power consumption.
作者 庄建华 Zhuang Jianhua(Datang Harbin First Thermal Power Plant, Harbin 150001, China)
出处 《发电设备》 2018年第5期344-347,共4页 Power Equipment
关键词 风电消纳 热经济性 调峰 节能 wind power absorption thermal economy peaking energy saving
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