The withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement is a major event in global climate governance and will have a negative impact on governance funds, the deficit in leadership and con-fidence in compliance, but will not fundamentally shake the global climate governance system. The rea-son why the United States chose to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on the surface is due to the do-mestic political factors in the United States and the personal preference of Trump. The fundamental rea-son is that the Paris Agreement "bottom-up" emission reduction model and voluntary legal mechanism.For China, the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement provides China with an opportunity to high-light its international influence in global climate governance and may also upset China's established de-velopment strategy and pace of development. China is facing pressure from internal structural adjust-ment and external international Social expectations of the double pressure. China needs to take the op-portunity to take the initiative, lead actively and assume limited responsibilities. It appropriately andtimely completes the vacancy caused by the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and builds the C5 leadership model for international climate governance.
Jiangsu Social Sciences