
中间品进口、制度环境与出口产品质量升级 被引量:21

Intermediate Goods Import,Institutional Environment and Export Product Quality Upgrade
摘要 文章基于2000-2013年中国工业企业和海关进出口贸易微观匹配数据,在地区制度环境存在显著差异的背景下研究中间品进口、制度环境与对中国制造业出口产品质量之间的关系。实证研究结果表明:(1)中间品进口通过"竞争效应"、"知识溢出效应"、"中间品质量效应"以及"中间品多元化效应"机制影响企业出口产品质量,但提升效果会因企业所有制、贸易方式、中间品进口来源国、技术复杂度不同而具有显著的异质性;(2)制度环境改善一方面可以直接提升出口产品质量,另一方面强化了中间品进口对出口产品质量的提升效应,中间品进口与制度环境在影响出口产品质量方面存在互补性;(3)文章进一步从动态视角考察了进口持续期对出口产品质量的影响,研究得出二者呈现"U"型关系,短期进口无法提升出口产品质量,持续进口以及适时进入可以显著提升出口产品质量。本研究为中国出口产品国际竞争力提升,改善区域制度环境提供了理论与现实支撑。 Based on the 2000-2013 matched data from the Chinese industrial enterprise database and the General Administration of Customs(GAC) database,this paper selects export manufacturers in the context of significantly varying institutional environments as the research objects to investigate howintermediate import and institutional environment impact on export product quality. The results showthat:(1) intermediate import affects product quality through four channels,including the competition effect,knowledge spillover effect,intermediate quality effect and intermediate diversification effect.We also found that the improvement effect of intermediate import on export product quality was different,due to different ownership, trade mode, origin country and so on;(2) institutional environment improvement has a direct positive impact on product quality,also strengthen the effect of imported intermediate 's effect,in this sense,the two factors have complementarity in influencing market share reallocation;(3) the investigation of the import duration impact on product quality from dynamic perspectives shows a U-curve correlation; that is to say,while import fails to improve product quality in the short term,sustained import and timely entry contribute significantly to product quality. This paper provides theoretical and practical basis for strengthening international competitiveness of China's export product and improving regional institutional environment. Comparing with the previous literatures,this paper is supposed to have three potential contributions. First,existing literatures mainly focuses on developed countries,but for China,which is both the largest developing country and export country,relevant researches are relatively scarce. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the basic facts that howexport products quality has changed since China joined the WTO. In terms of data selection,most existing studies adopt macro-aggregated data in investigating the correlation between intermediate import and product quality; quality is measured primarily on an industry basis. Besides,most existing microeconomic literatures adopts the data between 2000 and 2007,so the findings may not well suit China in its newnormal state. we use the 2000-2013 microeconomic matched data on Chinese industrial enterprises and GAC to measure quality on the product scale while considering the price endogeneity problem. The microeconomic data are then aggregated on the enterprise scale to precisely and directly investigate the impact of intermediate import and institutional environment on product quality on the enterprise scale. This will further promote the in-depth analysis of intermediate goods import,institutional environment and export product quality under the framework of newgrowth theory and newtrade theory,lay a foundation for analyzing the impact of import trade of intermediate goods from quality channels,and further enrich relevant studies on China 's import structure. Second, in terms of research perspective, the author gives due consideration to China's unique institutional environment to check if intermediate import impacts on product quality through several mechanisms,namely,the competition effect,knowledge spillover effect,intermediate quality effect and intermediate diversification effect. Meanwhile, the authors conduct a relative comprehensive empirical test of the correlation among intermediate import and institutional environment and product quality from such perspectives of heterogeneity as country of origin,enterprise ownership, trade mode and technical complexity. Third, in terms of research content,this paper insists that the institutional environment influences the quality of export products mainly through "mandatory information disclosure mechanism","productivity effect mechanism "and"technology selection incentive mechanism". At the same time,the paper considers the significant differences in institutional environment and directly investigates howinstitutional environment and sub-indicators impact on product quality; on the other hand,the action mechanism through which institutional environment and sub-indicators interact to affect product quality is also investigated.
作者 邓国营 宋跃刚 吴耀国 Deng Guoying;Song Yuegang;Wu Yaoguo
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期84-106,共23页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家自然科学金面上项目(批准号:71773081) 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2018jj-01)的资助
关键词 出口产品质量 中间品进口 制度环境 Export product quality Intermediate goods import Institutional environment
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