

Study on the suitable length of pacemaker lead in Chinese
摘要 目的研究国人双腔起搏中心房电极、心室电极的实际使用长度,为适合国人的导线长度提供依据。方法共纳入59例永久性起搏患者,测量身高、体重,行超声心动图及X线胸片检查。所有患者均经左锁骨下静脉穿刺,术中测定穿刺点到心房底长度,多余导线长度,计算实际使用的心房和心室导线长度。结果实际使用心房导线长度(30.8±3.9)cm,实际使用心室导线长度(37.5±3.8)cm,Spearman's单因素相关分析发现,实际使用心房和心室导线长度与身高正相关(r=0.795、0.73,P均<0.05)。穿刺点到心房底长度与身高正相关(r=0.781,P<0.05)。结论国人实际需要的右心房、右心室导线长度均较目前临床上主流使用的导线长度(52/58cm)短。心房导线40cm/心室导线46cm也许更适合中国人。 Objective To investigate the actual length of atrial and ventricular pacing leads in double-chamberpacemaker implantation in Chinese. Methods A total of 59 patients undergoing pacemaker implantation were enrolled.Body Height and weight were measured. Echocardiography and chest radiography were obtained before procedure. Leftsubclavian vein puncture was performed for implantation of pacing leads in all patients. The distance from vein puncturepoint to atrial base and excess extravascular lead length were measured during procedure. The actual length of atrial andventricular leads were calculated. Results The actual length of atrial and ventricular leads was (30.8±3.9) cm and(37.5±3.8) cm,respectively. Spearman's correlation analysis showed that the length of atrial and ventricular leads waspositively related to body height(r=0.795 and 0.73,respectively,all P〈0.05) . The distance from vein puncture point toatrial base was positively related to body height(r=0.781, P〈0.05) . Conclusion The actual length of right atrial andventricular pacing leads needed for Chinese people is shorter than that the manufactures provide. A suitable length ofatiral and ventricular pacing leads for Chinese may be 40 cm and 46 cm,respectively.
作者 陈冬 周浩亮 唐欧杉 CHEN Dong;ZHOU Haoliang;TANG Oushan(Departmet of Cardiology,Second Hospital of Shaoxing,Shaoxing 312000,China)
出处 《心电与循环》 2018年第5期338-340,345,共4页 Journal of Electrocardiology and Circulation
关键词 起搏导线长度 身高 国人 Pacing lead length Height Chinese
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