结构抗倒塌性能一直以来是地震工程界普遍关注的重点。在地震多发地区,对工程结构采用简易木构件从外部进行斜向支撑的情况大量存在,然而简单支撑维护方式缺乏科学的设计与安全评价。针对这一问题,以城镇、乡村中常见的三层两跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,采用增量动力分析(Incremental Dynamic Analysis,简称IDA)方法并结合结构易损性分析方程,对结构倒塌易损性开展定量分析。对比研究不同支撑方案对结构倒塌易损性的影响,探讨不同支撑方案对提高结构抗震性能的影响。结果表明,简单的外部支撑能够有效的提高结构的抗倒塌性能,合理的支撑方案能够更加有效地提高其支撑能力。
The structural collapse resistance has always been an important part of seismic engineering.In seismic regions, it is common to use simple braces to enhance the collapse resistance of residential building structures. However, these simple support measures are usually lack of scientific design and assessment. This study analysis the collapse safety of this vulnerable building and five support schemes, taking a typical poorly designed two-bay and three-storey RC frame building structure as a study object. The quantitative analysis is organized to assess the collapse safety by using incremental dynamic analysis and structural fragility function. The results show that the simple brace can improve the seismic collapse safety of the vulnerable building, and the enhance scheme can be more efficient with scientific evaluation.
Peng-jie;WANG Guo-xin(State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning Dalian 116024,China;Institute of Earthquake Engineering,School of Hydraulic Engineering,Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Liaoning Dalian 116024,China)
Journal of Disaster Prevention And Reduction