

Cloning and expression of a Tachykinin-related peptide in Diaphorina citri
摘要 【目的】昆虫速激肽相关肽(Tachykinin-related peptides,TRPs)属于肽类神经递质,参与调控昆虫生长、发育、变态、繁殖等多种生命活动。本文旨在探究柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri速激肽相关肽(Dc-TRP)基因序列信息,进一步分析其在不同发育时期及成虫不同组织中的表达情况。【方法】本文克隆得到柑橘木虱速激肽相关肽全长序列,并根据核苷酸系列进行系列分析及结构预测。利用RT-q PCR对柑橘木虱不同发育时期及成虫不同组织部位Dc-TRP的表达情况进行分析。【结果】(1)Dc-TRP编码区全长600 bp,预测编码199个氨基酸,具有多个保守区域。(2)时空表达结果表明Dc-TRP在各发育时期和组织均有表达,其中各发育历期表达差异不明显,而组织中表达差异显著且头部表达最高。【结论】Dc-TRP在柑橘木虱不同发育时期表达无显著性差异,但在成虫不同组织中差异显著。以上实验结果具有一定的生物学意义,为进一步研究Dc-TRP的生理功能提供一定的理论基础。 [Objectives] Tachykinin-related peptides(TRPs) are peptide neurotransmitters involved in multiple life processes. We investigated the sequence information of a tachykinin-related peptide, Dc-TRP, in Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, and further analyzed the m RNA expression levels of Dc-TRP in different developmental stages and adult tissues. [Methods] The full-length sequence of Dc-TRP was cloned from D. citri, and serial analysis and structure prediction were performed based on its nucleotide sequence. In addition, RT-q PCR was used to analyze the expression of Dc-TRP in different development stages and adult tissues. [Results](1) The full-length of the Dc-TRP coding sequence obtained was 600 bp and is predicted to encode 199 amino acids with a variety of conserved regions.(2) Dc-TRP was expressed in all developmental stages and adult tissues. Although there was no significant difference in expression among developmental stages, expression was significantly higher in the head than in other adult tissues. [Conclusion] Dc-TRP was not differentially expressed in different developmental stages of D. citri but its expression was significantly higher in head than in other adult tissues. Our results provide a basis for further study of the physiological functions of Dc-TRP.
作者 宾淑英 康聪 莫斯维 舒本水 吴仲真 林进添 BIN Shu-Ying;KANG Cong;WU Zhong-Zhen;MO Si-Wei;SHU Ben-Shui;LIN Jin-Tian(Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou 510225,China)
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期586-594,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 产学研协同创新重大科研专项(201704020199) 广州市民生科技攻关计划(201803020009) 广州市科技计划项目(C1630551000041) 广州市亚热带果树重大疫情控制重点实验室项目(201805010008)
关键词 柑橘木虱 Dc-TRP 基因克隆 荧光定量PCR Diaphorina citri Kuwayama Dc-TRP gene cloning RT-qPCR
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