
亮腹釉小蜂低温贮藏适宜龄期与温度的优化筛选 被引量:5

Optimal pupal age and storage temperature for storing pupae of the parasitoid Tamarixia radiata
摘要 【目的】筛选适宜低温贮藏的亮腹釉小蜂Tamarixia radiata Waterston最佳龄期和温度,为柑橘木虱Diaphrina citri Kuwayama生物防治提供充足的天敌产品。【方法】在实验室条件下,观察了亮腹釉小蜂1-5日龄蛹的发育形态以及2、4、6、8、10℃贮藏10 d对亮腹釉小蜂羽化率的影响。以亮腹釉小蜂3日龄蛹为对象,研究了其在10℃条件下,储藏3、6、9 d后对羽化成蜂产卵量的影响。【结果】亮腹釉小蜂属于完全变态昆虫,属于典型的离蛹。随着发育时间的增加,亮腹釉小蜂蛹的颜色不断加深,分节明显。在贮藏10 d的情况下,随着日龄的增加其平均羽化率升高,4日龄蛹在8℃和3日龄蛹在10℃温度处理下贮藏10 d后其羽化率84.17%和86.23%,与对照无显著性差异,但4日龄蛹在10℃、5日龄蛹在8℃、10℃条件下均未达到期望贮藏的10 d期限。在10℃条件下,贮藏3 d的亮腹釉小蜂3日龄蛹羽化后,其前20 d的平均单雌产卵量达到159.9粒,贮藏6 d和9 d的蛹羽化后其前20 d单雌产卵量则分别为159.6粒和101.9粒,对照组亮腹釉小蜂前20 d的平均单雌产卵量为214.8粒,与3、6、9 d处理组差异显著。【结论】亮腹釉小蜂适宜低温贮藏的虫期为3日龄蛹,且以10℃低温贮藏3-6 d为最佳方案。 [Objectives] To identify the optimal pupal age and storage temperature of pupae of the parasitoid wasp Tamarixia radiata in order to improve the biological control of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri. [Methods] The developmental morphology of 1 to 5 day old T. radiata pupae were observed, and the effects of being stored for 10 days at low-temperatures(2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ℃) on eclosion rates under laboratory conditions recorded and compared. The fecundity of wasps developed from 3 day old pupae stored for 3, 6 and 9 d at 10 ℃, was also measured. [Results] T. radiata has typical exarate pupa in which the body color and segments become darker and more distinct as pupae develop. The emergence rate increased with the age of the pupae when stored for 10 d. The emergence rates of 4 d old pupae at 8 ℃ and 3 d old pupae at 10 ℃ were 84.17% and 86.23%, respectively, similar to that of control pupae. However, since all adults emerged within 10 d, it is impracticable to store 4 d old pupae at 10 ℃ and 5 d old pupae at 8 ℃, for 10 d. The average first 20 d fecundity of females that emerged from 3 d old pupae stored at 10 ℃ for 3 d was 159.9 eggs, whereas those stored for 6 d and 9 d produced 159.6 and 101.9 eggs; significantly lower than the average fecundity of control females which was 214.8 eggs per female. [Conclusion] Storing 3 d old pupae for 3-6 d at 10 ℃ is the best regime for low-temperature storage of this parasitoid.
作者 王磊 沈祖乐 张利荷 邱宝利 WANG Lei;SHEN Zu-Le;ZHANG Li-He;QIU Bao-Li(Key Laboratory of Bio-Pesticide Creation and Application,Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510642,China;Engineering Research Center of Biological Control,Ministry of Education,Guangzhou 510642,China;Department of Entomology,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China)
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期622-628,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 国家重点研究计划(2018YFD0201500) 广州市科技计划项目(201804020070) 广东现代农业产业技术体系创新团队项目(2018LM1106)
关键词 柑橘木虱 亮腹釉小蜂 低温贮藏 羽化率 产卵量 Diaphorina citri Tamarixia radiata low-temperature storage emergence rage fecundity
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