Among various types of 2D materials,black phosphorus(BP)is a shining star thanks to its distinctive properties such as the layerdependent band gap,active surface electronic states,good biocompatibility and excellent photothermal properties.However,due to the lone-pair electrons,BP is not stable in oxygen-water ambient condition.Besides,phosphorus is present in cells,tissues and bones,which makes it difficult
Among various types of 2D materials, blackphosphorus (BP) is a shining star thanks to.its distinctive properties such as the layer-dependent band gap, active surface electronic states, goodbiocompatibility and excellent photothennal properties.However, due to the lone-pair electrons, BP is not stable inoxygen-water ambient condition. Besides, phosphorus ispresent in cells, tissues and bones, which makes it difficult totrace the BP-based nanostructures by conventional imagingtechniques and conduct detailed biomedical studies in vivo.