
新高考考生“选-填-录”特征的调查与思考——以浙江省2017届高中毕业生为例 被引量:7

An Investigation and Consideration on the Characteristics of Selection,Submission and Admission for the New College Entrance Examination:Taking High School Graduates of 2017 in Zhejiang Province as an Example
摘要 对2017届浙江省新高考考生的选考、志愿填报和投档录取特征进行调查,结果发现:1)选考方面:考生选科优先考虑兴趣和成绩,成绩好的考生多选考物理和化学;多数考生充分利用2次考试机会。2)志愿填报方面:考生未充分利用专业平行志愿,仍然"重院校、轻专业",不会有效参照往年的招录信息。3)投档录取方面:二段考生相对容易发生滑档,大部分考生对录取院校和专业都很满意。进一步深化高考综合改革,仍需有关各方加强思考研究,不断调整完善。 This survey focuses on the characteristics of the 2017 high school graduates who has participated the new college entrance examination in selecting subjects for college entrance examination, submission and admission.The results show that 1) in selecting subjects for college entrance examination, examinees mainly consider their academic performance and interests; especially, good students prefer physics and chemistry, and when it breaks "one exam decides your life", most students make full use of the given chances; 2) in filling applications, although these applications are professional and parallel, many students take much consideration about the rank and reputation of the college instead of the major; besides, the biggest trouble they encounter is that they don' t know how to reference effectively the previous admission statistics; 3) in admission, although students in the second ranking are not easy to be admitted by the college they prefer, but still more than half of the graduates are satisfied with the final admission colleges and majors, and to further deepen the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, those with examination and enrollment responsibilities should constantly adjust and improve their work based on in-depth reflections and research.
作者 付天宇 刘丹 王园园 徐长江 FU Tianyu;LIU Dan;WANG Yuanyuan;XU Changjiang(Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《中国考试》 2018年第9期40-49,共10页 journal of China Examinations
关键词 高考综合改革 选考科目 平行志愿 投档录取 college entrance examination reform selected subjects for college entrance examination parallelapplication admission system
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