
文本与数据挖掘技术应用背景下的英国版权例外制度的创新——兼议对我国解决图书馆数字版权问题的启示 被引量:1

Innovation of UK Exceptions to Copyright in the Application of Text and Data Mining——Also on the Inspiration for the Digital Copyright Issues in China's Libraries
摘要 近年来,以国际图书馆协会、欧洲研究图书馆协会为代表的国际图书馆界为争取文本与数据挖掘的权利进行了不懈的努力。2014年,英国对文本与数据挖掘版权例外制度的立法不仅成为世界范围内版权法变革的又一典范,而且将对图书馆应用文本与数据挖掘技术开发利用数据信息资源,推动经济发展和社会创新产生重大而深远的影响。我国图书馆界要积极开展调研活动,主动参与全球版权立法进程。立法机关应坚持促进大数据应用的价值导向,将国情与域外经验有机结合,适时建立文本与数据挖掘版权例外制度。 Over the years, the international library community, represented by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), has made huge efforts to strive for text and data mining (TDM) rights. UK' s le ample for the worldwide reform of copyright law ies' applying TMD to the development and use innovation. It is suggested that world copyright legislation, and gislation on TDM exceptions in 2014 not only was another good ex- but also will have a significant and far- reaching impact on librar- of data resources and promoting economic development and social China' s library community that China' s legislature sh should take an active part in survey and participation in ould adhere to the value orientation to application,combine China' s national conditions with other countries' experience, and establish exceptions to copyright at the proper time. promote big data the rules on the
作者 秦劼 QIN Jie(School of Art,Xinxiang College,Xinxiang 453003,China)
出处 《晋图学刊》 2018年第4期57-61,共5页 Shanxi Library Journal
关键词 文本与数据挖掘 英国 版权 图书馆 启示 TDM UK copyright library inspiration
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