
施钙与覆膜栽培对缺钙红壤花生干物质生产、熟相、产量构成及品质的影响 被引量:19

Effects of Calcium Fertilizer and Plastic Film Mulching Cultivation on Dry Matter Production,Maturity Performance,Yield Components and Quality of Peanut in Red Soil under Ca Deficiency
摘要 为解决南方缺钙红壤旱地花生空壳问题,探明施钙与覆膜对花生干物质生产、熟相、产量构成及品质的影响,以大籽品种湘花2008和南方典型第四纪红土发育的缺钙红壤为材料,设置3个基施钙肥梯度(不施钙、施钙375 kg/hm^2、施钙750 kg/hm^2,分别标记为Ca0、Ca375、Ca750)和2种栽培方式(露地与覆膜栽培),采用土柱栽培,测定花生净光合速率、叶绿素含量(SPAD值)、熟相、干物质、产量构成因素和品质。结果表明,覆膜栽培提高了花生植株营养器官和生殖器官干物质,而施钙更好地促进了生殖器官生长,提高收获指数,降低根冠比。其中,Ca750-OF、Ca750-PF生殖器官干物质比对照(Ca0-OF)增幅达74. 0%,94. 3%。增施钙肥,叶片净光合速率在苗期和花针期逐渐升高,但在结荚期、饱果期和成熟期降低。露地栽培处理(OF)叶片SPAD值在苗期:Ca750> Ca375> Ca0; 2015年覆膜栽培(PF)叶片SPAD值在苗期、花针期、饱果期、成熟期中施钙处理高于不施钙(Ca0)。成熟期花生单株产量与SPAD值呈一元二次方程曲线关系(y=-0. 020x^2+1. 034x-1. 930,R^2=0. 308**),且极显著相关。Ca0处理生育后期贪青晚熟,植株不能正常衰老;随施钙量增加,花生熟相明显,叶色由青转黄,正常衰老、成熟,产量较高。施钙与覆膜栽培增加了单株总果数、饱果数,提高了出仁率、荚果饱满度、脂肪含量及油亚比,降低了烂果数、空果数、每千克果数,进而提高了荚果产量和改善了品质。 In order to solve the problem of unfruitful peanut pods and to explore the effect of calcium application and film mulching on the dry matter production, maturity performance, yield and quality of peanut under Ca deficiency in red soil of Southern China, large seed variety Xianghua 2008 and the typical red soil under calcium deficiency were used as material for the soil column experiment. Three calcium fertilizer gradients and two kinds of cultivation methods (open field and plastic film cultivation)were used in this experiment including no calcium (Ca0), medium calcium fertilizer (Ca375)and high calcium fertilizer (Ca750). The net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, maturity performance, dry matter, yield composition and quality of peanut were studied. The results showed that film mulching cultivation increased the dry matter of vegetative organs and genitals. While calcium application promoted genital growth better and increased harvest index, but reduced the ratio of root to shoot. Compared to Ca0-OF, the genital dry matter of Ca750-OF and Ca750-PF increased 74.0%, 94.3%, respectively. The net photosynthetic rate of the leaves was increased gradually at seedling phase and flowering and pedicel forming phase, but it decreased in the late growth period by calcium fertilizer application. The SPAD of open field (OF)at seedling phase was Ca750 〉 Ca375 〉 Ca0. The SPAD of calcium treatment higher than that of the no calcium application treatment (Ca0)under the plastic film cultivation in the whole growth period except pod setting phase. The yield per plant of peanut at maturity presented a quadratic equation curve relation with SPAD value (y=-0.020x^2+1.034x-1.930, R^2=0.308**), and was significantly correlated. The maturity performance of no calcium application treatment was greedy late, and the plant could not be into normal senescence. With the calcium application increased, maturity performance of peanut became obvious, and leaf color turned green to yellow, so the peanut was normal senescence, mature and had higher yield. The number of total pods and full pods per plant, the kernel rate to pods, plumpness, fat content and the ratio of oleic acid to linoleic acid increased, and the number of rotten, empty pods and pods per kilogram reduced, thus pod yields increased and quality was improved by calcium application and film mulching cultivation.
作者 王建国 张昊 李林 刘登望 万书波 王飞 卢山 郭峰 WANG Jianguo;ZHANG Hao;LI Lin;LIU Dengwang;WAN Shubo;WANG Fei;LU Shan;GUO Feng(College of Agronomy,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China;Biotechnology Research Center,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Ji'nan 250100,China;Institute of Dry Land Crops,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期131-138,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAD11B04) 国家花生产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-14-邵阳花生综合试验站) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31671634) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX2015B230)
关键词 花生 覆膜 干物质 熟相 叶绿素含量 产量 Peanut Calcium Plastic film mulching Dry matter Maturity performance Chlorophyll content Yield
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