

China’s Choice in the Transformation and Development of High Schools in the New Era
摘要 我国普通高中发展经历了一个从无到有、从自发性到制度化、从封建化到近代化的过程.普通高中转型发展是新时代的现实诉求,而普通高中的综合化、多样化与多元化发展,是新时代普通高中转型发展的重要内容,这就决定了普通高中教育由“预备教育”向“基础教育”根本性质的转变、由“单一升学”向“多元促进”根本目的的转变、由“考技训练”向“素养培育”根本任务的转变,但这种根本性转变是诸多教育利益相关者博弈的结果,因而,以实现政府行为改进、社会介入行动、学校治理优化等为基本内容的机制创新,是新时代普通高中转型发展的战略决策,更是实现国家创新驱动发展的重要内容与根本要求. Chinese general high schools have undergone three phases, namely developing from nothing,evolving from beingautonomous to being systematic and changing from feudalization to modernization. The transitional development of general highschools is the reality appeal deriving from the new era. In addition,their comprehensive, diversified and plural development isalso an important component of the transitional development in this era. In this context,general high school education faces transi-tions in its fundamental nature,aim and task, namely changing from “ preliminary education” to “ elementary education”,from“single education entrance channel” to “plural promotion” and from “ examination skill training” to “ competence cultivation”.However,such fundamental changes result from the struggle between numerous education stakeholders. It is thus necessary to im-plement the mechanism innovation including subject behavior improvement,social intervention activities and school governing opti-mization. The mechanism innovation is not only a strategic decision for realizing transitional development of general high schoolsin the new era, but also an important component and fundamental requirement of realizing the development driven by national in-novations.
作者 尹达 陈理宣 YIN Da;CHEN Lixuan(School of Liberal Arts,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui,241002;College of Educational Science,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang Sichuan,641112)
出处 《现代基础教育研究》 CSSCI 2018年第3期15-20,共6页 Research on Modern Basic Education
基金 安徽省科技创新战略与软科学研究专项“安徽省中小学生科技素养培育研究”(项目编号:1706a02020027)的研究成果
关键词 普通高中转型发展 基础教育改革 教育诊断 transitional development of general high schools elementary education reform education diagnosis
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