长期以来,美国有预谋和有计划积极推行"航行自由行动"(Freedom of Navigation Program),除了其自身的国家战略和海洋政策的考量以外,"航行自由行动"的持久实施必然对国际法的理论与实践产生挑战与影响。历史上,俄罗斯针对美国海军实施的"航行自由行动"积极进行应对,并形成了稳定的实践与政策。俄罗斯在长期应对美国"航行自由行动"的挑战中,积累了一定的国际经验,同时也存在反省的必要性。本文以黑海撞舰事件和美国未来在北极航道展开"航行自由行动"存在可能性为切入点,以国际法为分析手段来考察俄罗斯应对美国"航行自由行动"的经验与战略得失。在国际法逐渐发展的语境下,深入洞察美国"航行自由行动"的多重蕴意,并且重视其在国际法范畴上的消极意义和积极意义。
Over the years,the Freedom of Navigation(FON)Program the U.S.has conducted in line with its national strategy and maritime policy has inevitably posed a challenge to the theory and practice of international law.Out of its active responses to U.S.FON operations,Russia has developed a set of practices and policies,which provides useful experiences for other countries but which also needs serious rethinking as well.From the perspective of international law,this paper analyzes the useful elements and the strategic gains and losses of the Russian experiences by revisiting the warship collision incident in the Black Sea and envisioning a scenario in which the U.S.may be conducting FON operations in the Arctic.In the context of the progressive development of international law,it is important to understand the multiple implications of FON and pay attention to the positive and negative impact it has on international law.
International Forum