On 26 to 29 September, the 8th Member Congress of China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industries (hereafter referred to as CAFFCI) was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The annual meeting of CAFFCI was also held grandly at the same period, and representatives from government organizations and membership companies at home and abroad attended the events, including China Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, and some international organizations located in the USA, EU, Japan and Korea.
On 26 to 29 September, the 8th Member Congress of ChinaAssociationofFragranceFlavorandCosmetic Industries(hereafterreferredtoasCAFFCI)washeld inSuzhou,JiangsuProvince.Theannualmeetingof CAFFCI was also held grandly at the same period, and representativesfromgovernmentorganizationsand membership companies at home and abroad attended the events, including China Food and Drug Administration,