
感官体验对农户在代理服务站网购农资意愿的影响研究 被引量:1

The Effect of Sensory Experience on Farmers' Willingness of Agricultural Materials Online Shopping at Agency Service Stations
摘要 立足于农资电商运营的现实情境,探讨农户在代理服务站的线下感官体验对其在服务站网购农资意愿的影响。结果表明,农户的线下感官体验正向影响其通过服务站网购农资的意愿,感知风险在其中扮演中介作用,即感官体验通过降低感知风险而提升农户在服务站网购农资的意愿;人际信任感知能进一步增强农户线下感官体验对感知风险的削弱作用,认知闭合需要强化农户线下感官体验对农户农资网购意愿的积极影响。 Based on the actual situation of the running of agricultural materials e-commerce, this paper aims to explore the effect of farmers' offline sensory experience in the agency service stations on their willingness of agricultural materials online shopping at agency service stations. The results show that farmers' offline sensory experience has a positive impact on their willingness of agricultural materials online shopping at agency service stations, in which perceived risks play a mediating role. In addition, the perception of interpersonal trust strengthens the decreasing effect of sensory experience on perceived risk to some extents. The need of cognitive closure strengthens the positive effect of sensory experience on farmers' willingness of agricultural materials online shopping.
作者 李林竹 徐广兰 李艳军 LI Lin-zhu;XU Guang-lan;LI Yan-jun(College of Economies and Management,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2018年第18期121-124,136,共5页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(17YJA790051)
关键词 感官体验 感知风险 人际信任 认知闭合需要 农资网购意愿 sensory experience perceived risks interpersonal trust need of cognitive closure willingness of agricultural materials online shopping
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