This paper has systematically sorted the process and key events of science and technology achievements transformation in Chi-na within the past 40 years since the reform and opening up policy was conducted. The analysis process was divided into 4 phases, each including 10 years. In the first ten years, a number of scientific and technological national plans were carried out to strengthen the appli-cation of scientific and technological achievements, vigorously develop the technology market, and support the rational flow of scientific and technological personnel and so on, so as to promote the combination of science and technology and economy. All measures applied in this phase presented in a blossoming trend. During the second decade, three carriers of the science and technology achievements transformation, including high-tech zones, business incubators and productivity promotion center, were introduced to improve the soft environment and support the technological innovation of small and medium enterprises, etc. All measures as above have deepened vari-ous aspects of the science and technology achievements transformation. In the third ten years, national technological innovation projects,tax preferential policies and other relevant national polices were implemented to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, forming a trend of accelerating development. In the fourth decade, national innovation driven development strategy was implemented to break through the institutional constraints of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It is of cer-tain guiding significance to observe and summarize the practices and experiences from science and technology achievements transforma-tion in China within the past long span of forty years for future reference in this field.
Wu Shouren(Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research,Shanghai 200237,China)
Forum on Science and Technology in China
Reform& openning up
Scientific and technological achievement transformation