
美国加州大学洛杉矶分校中西医结合医疗保健模式下的医学教育研究 被引量:2

Implementing the medical and health care model of the integrated traditional Chinese medicine & western medicine in medical education of UCLA
摘要 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA)东西医学中心(Center for East-West Medicine, CEWM)创办人许家杰教授大力倡导以整体观为核心的中西医结合医疗保健模式,并始终坚持将其付诸于中西医结合医学教育和临床实践。这是一种中西医结合医学从业人员基于“以人为中心”的整体观,结合现代医学与中医学方法对患者进行疾病防治和保健教育的模式。本文将简单介绍这种保健模式,并以临床病案讨论为例,重点介绍和总结CEWM如何将该模式贯穿于中西医结合临床人才培养过程中,以期为我国中西医结合临床高等人才培养提供参考。 Based on the holism, the medical and health care model of the Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Medicine is referred that the practitioners who work with the TCM & Western medicine, apply the methods combined western medicine with TCM to treat patients and health educationfrom the "person-centric" holism. Professor Ka-Kit Hui, who is the founder of the East and West Medical Center (CEWM) belonged to the University of California, Los Angeles vigorously advocate, and always adhere to the education and clinical. In this paper, we briefly introduced this model. Taking clinical case discussion of CEWM as an example, we focused on and summarized how the team of CEWM applied this model to train the clinical practitioners who would like to work in the Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Medicine. Through this paper, we hope we could get some useful references for the education of Chinese integrated traditional Chinese medicine & western medicine practitioners.
作者 殷玉婷 张卫军 许家杰 Yin Yutmg;Zhang Weijun;Xu Jiajie(College of Pharmacy,Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330004,China)
出处 《国际中医中药杂志》 2018年第9期865-867,共3页 International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 教育 中医药学 整体观 中西医结合 医疗保健模式 病案 Education traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy Holism Integrated traditional Chinese medicine & western medicine Medical and health care model Medical records
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