The aim was to explore the linear regression prediction models between sowing time and plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum in autumn idle land. [Method] The relationships between sowing time and plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum were simulated and compared by employing field plot experiment and linear regression analysis. [Result] The sowing time had a great impact on plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum in autumn idle land. With the delay of sowing time, the plant height and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum decreased, while the leaf stem ratio increased. The regression models between sowing time and plant height, leaf stem ratio and DW/FW ratio of forage sorghum were established: plant height and sowing time, yheight = 234.725- 5.005X; leaf stem ratio and sowing time,ylcaf= 0.096 + 0,019x; DW/FW ratio and sowing time, ydry= 0.305-0.002X. From July 23rd to August 30th, the plant height of forage sorghum was reduced by 5.005 cm, the leaf stem ratio was increased by 0.019 and the DW/FW ratio was reduced by 0.002 in average when hhe sowing time was delayed by one day. [Conclusion] This study provides a theoretical support for the production of forage sorghum in autumn idle land.
[目的 ]探索播期与秋闲田饲用高粱株高、叶茎比、干鲜比的线性回归预测模型。[方法]采用田间试验与线性回归分析的方法,对播期与饲用高粱株高、叶茎比、干鲜比的关系进行模拟和比较。[结果 ]播期对秋闲田饲用高粱株高、叶茎比、干鲜比具有重要影响,其株高、干鲜比随着播期的推迟而降低,其叶茎比随着播期的推迟而上升。构建了播期与株高、叶茎比、干鲜比关系的回归模型,株高与播期的回归模型为?_高=234.725-5.005x,叶茎比与播期的回归模型为?_叶=0.096+0.019x,干鲜比与播期的回归模型为?_干=0.305-0.002x。在7月23日至8月30日之间的播期每推迟1 d,饲用高粱的株高平均降低5.005cm,叶茎比平均增加0.019,干鲜比平均减少0.002。[结论 ]该研究构建的3个回归模型,为秋闲田饲用高粱生产提供了理论支撑。
农业部公益性行业科研专项“牧区饲草饲料资源开发利用技术研究与示范”(2012 0304201)~~