
汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童视觉注意广度的发展及其对阅读流畅性的作用 被引量:9

The Development of Visual Attention Span And Its Effect on Reading Fluency in Chinese Children with Developmental Dyslexia
摘要 以85名小学2~6年级儿童为研究对象,采用方差分析、分层回归探讨小学高、低年龄阶段发展性阅读障碍儿童视觉注意广度的发展变化,并以同年龄正常阅读者作为对照组;同时在不同年龄阶段探究视觉注意广度对阅读流畅性发展的预测作用。结果显示:(1)发展性阅读障碍儿童存在视觉注意广度缺陷,并呈现出在小学高年龄阶段更严重的趋势;(2)在阅读障碍儿童中,视觉注意广度对汉语流畅阅读的显著预测作用随发展增强;而对于正常阅读者,视觉注意广度仅显著预测低年龄段学生的句子朗读流畅阅读能力。以上结果表明视觉注意广度与汉语流畅阅读能力关系密切,今后汉语阅读障碍的相关干预研究可以尝试从视觉注意广度训练方面切入。 The present study investigated the development of visual attention span( VAS) and the predictive power of visual attention span at each age group on reading fluency in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia.Eighty-five primary school students from the second to the sixth grades participated here,including both of dyslexic readers and the age-matched normal readers. Analyses of variance and hierarchical regressions analyses were adopted to process data. The results showed that the current cohort of Chinese children with dyslexia exhibited the deficit in their visual attention span,and the impaired VAS was more significant in the dyslexic readers at high age,revealing a development increase in the VAS impairment. Meanwhile,for children with developmental dyslexia,VAS could significantly predict the variance of reading fluency,and the predictive power increased with age. As to typically developing children,VAS could independently account for the variance in lower age group but not in higher age group. These findings suggested a close relationship between visual attention span and reading fluency in Chinese,and provided some enlightments for future intervention of dyslexia from the aspect of visual attention span.
作者 刘涵隆 赵婧 LIU Hanlong;ZHAO Jing(Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition,School of Psychology,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100037)
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期533-540,共8页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 北京市教委科研计划一般项目(SM201810028006)
关键词 视觉注意广度 发展性阅读障碍 汉语小学生 visual attention span developmental dyslexia Chinese children in primary school
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