
玻璃体黄斑牵引综合征手术前后多焦视网膜电图的临床分析 被引量:1

Clinical analysis of multifocal electroretinogram before and after surgery of vitreous macular traction syndrome
摘要 目的评估玻璃体黄斑牵引综合征(VTS)手术前后多焦视网膜电图(mERG)判断黄斑区功能修复的意义。 方法收集VTS 11例(11只眼),玻璃体切除手术前后均行mERG检查,分析手术前后黄斑中心区视网膜振幅反应密度的变化。 结果术后随访6个月,末次随访时黄斑中心区视网膜振幅反应密度与手术前比较,差异有统计学意义(t=3.320,P=0.005)。术后黄斑中心区视网膜的振幅反应密度增加,黄斑区域功能逐步修复。 结论VTS术后黄斑中心区视网膜振幅反应密度增加,黄斑功能逐步修复。 ObjectiveTo evaluate the significance of multifocal electroretinography(mERG) before and after surgery of vitreous macular traction syndrome(VTS)for restoration of macular function. MethodsEleven eyes of 11 cases with VTS were collected.Before and after vitrectomy the mERG examinations were performed and the changes of central macular retinal amplitude response density were analyzed and compared. ResultsThe follow-up time was 6 months, the difference of macular fovea retinal amplitude response density was statistically significant between before and after surgery(t=3.320, P=0.005). After surgery, the central macular retinal amplitude response density increased and the function of macular area gradually restored. ConclusionAfter VTS, the central macular retinal amplitude response density increase and the function of macular area gradually is restored.
作者 宋殊琪 姚毅 Song Shuqi;Yao Yi(Department of Ophthalmology,the Second Hospital of Beijing Municipal Corps,Chinese People's Armed Police Forces,Belting 100037,China;Department of Ophthalmology,the General Hospital of PLA,Bering 100853,China)
出处 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2018年第9期648-651,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
关键词 玻璃体切除术 综合征 牵引 玻璃体 黄斑 Vitrectomy Syndrome traction vitreous macular
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