
我国职业人群对布鲁菌病防控的认知情况及影响因素分析 被引量:13

The situation and potentially influential factors of Brucellosis awareness in occupational groups
摘要 目的 掌握我国羊养殖人员和基层兽医对布鲁菌病(简称布病)防控相关的知识、态度和行为(知信行)情况,分析影响知信行水平的关键因素。方法 2017年3 - 9月,在我国7个省份选取1 067名羊养殖人员和401名基层兽医作为研究对象,进行问卷调查。用百分比描述知信行的每个条目,将每个调查对象的知信行总分转化成百分制,采用两独立样本的非参数检验比较不同群体的知信行水平差异。结果 羊养殖人员和基层兽医中,对布病防控相关的知信行整体认知率分别为64.2%和80.1%。另有17.3%(185/1 067)羊养殖人员和12.2%(49/401)基层兽医未听说过或不了解布病。两类从业人员对布病防控相关知识的知晓率分别为62.6%和79.0%,其中75.8%的羊养殖人员和83.8%基层兽医对布病防控持积极态度,54.1%和77.6%对布病防控有较好的行为习惯。未来希望获取布病防控相关信息的途径中,电视的占比上升幅度最大,其次是网络和广播。在羊养殖人员中,来自于一类地区,年龄≤45岁,文化程度在初中及以上,养殖年限 〈 5年及家中羊群感染过布病者,具有更高的知信行水平(U = 4.85、3.08、3.29、2.20、6.62,P 〈 0.05或 〈 0.01)。在基层兽医中,文化程度为大专及以上者具有更高的知信行水平(U = 4.29,P 〈 0.01)。结论 我国羊养殖人员和基层兽医对布病防控相关知识和行为仍需提高和加强,在宣传方式改进,宣传内容和形式优化,新媒体运用等方面有待进一步改进。 Objective To understand the situation of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of sheep farmers and field veterinarians towards brucellosis prevention, and find out the potentially influential factors. Methods From March to September in 2017, 1 067 sheep farmers and 401 field veterinarians were selected as participates, and questionnaire survey was carried out. Percentage rate was used to describe the situation of KAP. Non-parametric test was used to compare the KAP score difference. Results The overall awareness in sheep farmers and field veterinarians was 64.2% and 80.1%, respectively. In addition, there were 17.3% (185/1067) sheep farmers and 12.2% (49/401) field veterinarians had never heard of brucellosis. The knowledge awareness in sheep farmers and field veterinarians was 62.6% and 79.0%, respectively, 75.8% and 83.8% of them had positive attitude to brucellosis prevention, 54.1% and 77.6% of them had good practice habit. They hoped in the future, more information could be received through TVs, and then was internet or broadcasting. Sheep farmers who from first class region, age less than 45 years, education higher than junior high school, feeding time less than 5 years and sheep ever infected with brucellosis (U = 4.85, 3.08, 3.29, 2.20, 6.62, P 〈 0.05 or 〈 0.01), had higher KAP scores than others. Field veterinarians, who had lower education, had lower KAP scores (U = 4.29, P 〈 0.01). Conclusions The awareness of sheep farmers and field veterinarians still need to improve and strengthen. Some suggestions are put forward: improve intervention pattern, optimize content and method, pay attention to use new media.
作者 刘平 曾恒 刘春国 王靖飞 高璐 徐全刚 李娟 康京丽 孙向东 Liu Ping;Zeng Heng;Liu Chunguo;Wang Jingfei;Gao Lu;Xu Quangang;Li Juan;Kang Jingli;Sun Xiangdong(China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center,Qingdao 266032,Chin;State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology,Harbin Veterinary Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Harbin 150001,China)
出处 《中华地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期716-720,共5页 Chinese Journal of Endemiology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1201304)
关键词 布鲁杆菌病 职业人群 认知 影响因素 Brucellosis Occupational groups Awareness Influential factor
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