

The Selection Effect and Comparative Analysis of Yield and Yield-related Characters Between Anther Culture Breeding and Cross Breeding for Indica Rice
摘要 为了分析花培育种与杂交育种2种方法对籼稻恢复系产量性状选择效果,以恢复系R7272和香5为亲本,采用花药培养和传统杂交2种方法培育获得新品系,利用相关分析、通径分析和主成分分析等方法对获得的新品系的8个产量相关性状进行考查和统计分析。结果表明:1)花药培养育种的平均产量介于2个亲本之间,稍低于9311,但显著高于杂交育种。2)在品种选择过程中,选择结实率高,有效穗多,同时兼顾穗粒数、穗长和千粒质量的品种更容易获得较高的产量。在适当增加株高和生育期,保证结实率的同时,协调好穗数、穗长和穗粒数之间的矛盾,应该是提高当前中稻产量的育种方向。3)选择遗传距离适当、优势性状互补的双亲,通过提高花药培养效率,得到花培大群体并进行精细鉴定筛选,是当前加快育种速度、提高水稻育种水平的又一个突破口。 In order to compare the selection effects of anther breeding and hybrid breeding on yield-related traits of indica restorer lines,in this study, two breeding methods, anther culture and traditional cross, were used to create new rice lines, by using R7272 and Xiang5 as parents. Correlation analysis, path analysis,and principal component analysis, were performed to investigate eight yield-related characters. The results showed that the average yield of anther culture lines was between those of the two parents, slightly lower than that of 9311, but significantly higher than those of hybrid breeding lines. To select varieties or lines that are more likely to achieve a higher yield, those with a higher seed setting rate and panicle number should be included; meanwhile, their traits of panicle length,grain number per panicle, and 1 000-grain weight should also be taken into account. While properly increasing plant height and growth period to ensure a high seed setting rate, to coordinate the contradiction among panicle number, panicle length, and grain number per panicle would be the breeding direction to improve the yield of middle rice. To make a breakthrough in improving the speed and level of rice breeding, it is crucial to use parents with proper genetic distance and complementary trait advantages for increasing the efficiency of anther culture, thus obtaining large populations of anther culture for making fine identification and screen.
作者 李二敬 刘凯 杨国才 李三和 陈志军 周雷 游艾青 LI Er-j ing;LIU Kai;YANG Guo-cai;LI San-he;CHEN Zhi-jun;ZHOU Lei;YOU Ai-qing(Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement,Institute of Food Crops,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,China;Graduate School of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,China)
出处 《大麦与谷类科学》 2018年第4期1-6,23,共7页 Barley and Cereal Sciences
基金 "十三五"国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0100305) 国家"863"计划(2014AA10A604) 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目(2015CFA159)
关键词 杂交育种 花培育种 产量性状 籼稻 Cross breeding Anther culture breeding Yield-related traits Indica rice
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