裸子植物云杉属的白扦(Picea meyeri Rehd.et Wils.)等植物在栽培区经常发生两性孢子叶球,笔者认为这是一个值得重视的现象,在对此现象以及其它畸形现象进行了调查之后,又对白扦做了胚胎学研究。本文仅对胚胎学研究结果做报道。观察结果:在两性孢子叶球上,大、小孢子叶段之间的过渡段及其附近畸形孢子叶较多,通常较早地败育,其孢子囊也常出现非典型的结构。在远离过渡段的大孢子叶上,大多可以产生成熟的种子,其胚胎发生过程也基本无异常,远离过渡段的小孢子叶上,大多能产生基本正常的小孢子囊和正常的花粉粒。一般两性孢子叶球上的种子明显小于大孢子叶球上的。
It's a highly valued phenomenon that the plants such as Picea meyeri Re-hd,etwils in the cultivated area often have the bisexual strobil. After investigating these abnormal phenomena,there is another study of embryology of picea meyeri. This is a dis-sertation on the result of embryology study.
The result:there are more deformitical sporophill on the bisexual strobil as well as the transitional section between the macro-sporophyill and microsporophill and these sporophill are always early to decay. The sporo-sac often have the nontypical struc-ture. On the macro-sporophyill far from the transitional section, Ripe seeds can be produced. What's more,the embrye development is normal,On the micro-sporophyill far from the transitional section, normal sporo-sac and pollen can be produced,It is usual that the seeds on bisexual strobil are conspicuously smaller than those on macro-strobil.
Yinshan Academic Journal