1[1]Ingmar Bergman On Tarkovsky,Laterna Magica,page 173."
2[2]Igor Kondrashov Tarkovsky,Pasohni.and the Cinena of Poetry,This article was originally wntten as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".
3[3]A LIa Bellis and Lars-Olof Lǒthwall Andrei Tarkovsky Talks About……for the Swedish Film Institute's English Programme Booklet for Offret.
4[4]Tony Mitchell Tarkovsky in Italy,Sight and Sound,Winter 1982-1983.P.54-56.
5[5]Igor Kond rashov Tarkovsky,Pasolini,and the Cinena of Poetry,This article was originally wntten as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".
6[6]Tony Mitchell Tarkovsky in Italy,Sight and Sound.Wtnter 1982-1983,P.54-56.
7[7]Igor Kondrashov Tarkovsky.Pasolini,and the Cinena of Poetry.This article was originally written as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".
8[8]Igor Kondrashov Tarkovsky,Pasolini.and the Cinena of Poetry,This article was originally written as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".
9[9]Igor Kondrashov Tarkovsky,Pasotini,andthe Cinena of Poetry,Th Js article was originally written as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".
10[10]Igor Kondrashov Tarkovsky.Pasolini,and the Cinena of Poetry.This article was originally written as an academic work on Tarkovsky and his relevance to Pasolini's concept of the "cinema of poetry".