
教师专业理论的转变与新专业主义的诞生:制度化全球化的情境 被引量:6

Exploring the Changes of Teacher Professional Theory and the Birth of Neo-professionalism in the Perspective of Institutionalized Global Context
摘要 结构功能主义最早探讨专业特质,其静态的专业主义忽视社会情境,因而推升互动论以及批判论的影响力。表面上,这是专业理论的发展,但深层意义却是制度化社会情境的产物,因为从20世纪80年代起,学界不再热衷于教师专业议题,并转向教育改革,这是由于当时新自由主义的效能法则主导教育改革,并将专业内涵从个人自主权转向学生学习表现。其蕴含的法则是,时间序列构成持续性社会变迁,进而导引制度化社会情境,全球体系跨越国家疆界,因此社会情境转向全球化,这种制度化全球情境牵动教师的社会功能及专业内涵。如此,特定情境需求特定社会功能,进而影响教育目标与功能,所以应在制度化社会情境中,检视教师在特定时代的社会功能,才能厘清教师专业的意义。 Structural-functionalists have adopted the trait-based perspective to develop the criteria of teaching profession.However,its static assumption neglects the influence of social changes on teaching profession and this situation legitimizes the notion of professionalization that is the core philosophy of interactionists.The above postulation also underestimates the impact of power on social operation and,in turn,this weakness promotes the domination of radical-critical approaches.These changes should not be treated as the result of theoretical shifts but institutionalized social contexts.This is because neo-liberalism has become a prevailing new world value that steers many countries to initiate education reforms since the 1980s,which redefine teacher profession,transforming individual autonomy into collective accountability as evident with a new focus on improving students’academic performances.This phenomenon further implicitly projects an axiom that the institutionalized global context prescribes the social functions of education,which are able to hatch the notion of neo-professionalism,addressing collective obligations rather than personal autonomy.As a give social context demands specific social services,this institutionalization commands teachers to exercise their social functions expected by most social members.
作者 姜添辉 Tien-Hui Chiang(School of Educa tion,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,Henan,450001)
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期49-55,共7页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 专业特质论 新自由主义 社会功能 制度化全球情境 新专业主义 trait-based perspective of profession neo-liberalism social funetiom institutionalized global context neo-professionalism
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