
气候变化和人类活动对黄河上游十大孔兑水沙过程的影响 被引量:15

Impacts of climate change and human activities on water discharge and sediment load of ten tributaries(the Ten Kongduis) of the upper Yellow River
摘要 随着气候的变化以及人类活动的加剧,世界上一些河流的径流和输沙量发生了明显的改变。查明流域的水沙特征、变化趋势及驱动因素是流域治理和管理中面临的重要问题。以黄河上游的十大孔兑为研究对象,利用1958—2015年的实测资料,采用线性趋势法、非参数Mann-Kendall趋势检验法对典型孔兑毛不拉、西柳沟、罕台川的年降雨、径流、泥沙、洪水过程进行了系统分析。结果表明:毛不拉和西柳沟年水沙序列下降趋势显著,罕台川下降趋势不显著,但近10 a比之前水沙明显减少;三个孔兑21世纪和20世纪观测到的2次洪水过程相比,产生洪水的降雨差别不大,但后一次洪峰流量和含沙量都显著降低;与1990年之前相比,1991—2015年各孔兑高强度降雨变化程度相对水沙变化不大。通过遥感影像解译,发现自20世纪90年代以来,随着退耕还林还草、封禁、休牧等水土保持工程陆续实施,十大孔兑土地利用变化显著,植被盖度明显增加,由此改变了该区域降雨—产流—产沙过程,引起1990年以后产水产沙的剧烈减少。 The sediment problems of the Yellow River have always been a hot topic in academia. The Yellow River has ten sediment-laden tributaries in Inner Mongolia, China, including Maobula, Buersetaigou, Heilaigou, Xiliugou, Hantaichuan, Haoqinghe, Hashenlachuan, Muhaerhe, Dongliugou and Husitaihe. This kind of tributary is called kongdui in Mongolian, meaning the flood ditch. They originate from the Ordos Plateau, flow through the Hobq Desert, and finally enter the Yellow River. Because of their special geographic environment, the ten kongduis are the principal sediment sources of the upper Yellow River, and their sediment output causes heavy sedimentation in the Inner-Mongnlia reach. Like many tributaries on the Loess Plateau, which are the principal sediment sources of the Yellow River, the runoff and sediment load of the ten kongduis were reduced obviously in recent years. The changes in runoff and sediment load of the kongduis and their association with anthropogenic interference and climatic change should be studied for improving drainage basin management but have received less attention. In this paper, we applied simple linear regression, Mann-Kendall test method to systematically investigate the changes of annual precipitation, runoff, sediment load and flood processes of three kongduis (Maobula, Xiliugou and Hantaichuan) out of the ten tributaries using rainfall, hydrological and sediment data recorded in from 1958 to 2015. The results show that the annual runoff and sediment load of the Mabula and Xiliugou were declined significantly at the 95% confidence level, and those of the Hantaichuan had not a statistically significant declining trend but their means in the years after 2000 were noticeably lower than those before 2000. Besides, the water discharge and sediment concentration hydrographs of a flood in 2012 (the recorded highest flood after 2000) were much lower than those of a flood in 1989 (the recorded highest flood before 2000) although the difference between the rainfalls which produced the two floods was relatively small. The comparison of the mean annual runoff and the mean sediment load of the Maobula, Xiliugou and Hantaichuan from 1991 to 2015 with those in the period prior to 1990 showed a reduction of mean annual runoff in the range from 16.27% to 35.66% and a reduction of mean annual sediment load in the range from 60.85% to 76.67%. In contrast, the annual precipitation of the Xiliugou and Hantaichuan were increased by 9.52% and 3.00%, respectively, while the annual precipitation of the Maobula was decreased by 2.33% in the period from 1991 to 2015 than that in the period prior to 1990. Also, the variation of the high intensity rainfall for the kongduis was not significant. All these indicated that the main cause for the reduction of water discharge and sediment load of the tributaries is not the changes in precipitation, but the human activities. Since 1990s, lots of soil and water conservation practices have been carried out in the ten tributaries. In the period from 1989 to 2015, the barren land and farmland were decreased, the forest and grass land were increased, and the vegetation coverage was raised considerably. These changes in land use and vegetation coverage altered the process of precipitation-runoff-sediment yield, leading to the reducing of the runoff and sediment load in the ten tributaries.
作者 姚海芳 师长兴 顾畛逵 YAO Hai-fang;SHI Chang-xing;GU Zhen-kui(School of Tourism,HebeiNormal University,Shijiazhuang 050024,Hebei,China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期472-479,共8页 Arid Land Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(41671004 41371036) 河北师范大学科技类基金资助(L297B23)
关键词 径流 输沙 气候变化 人类活动 十大孔兑 runoff sediment load climate change anthropogenic impact the ten kongduis
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