
人体尿液中马尿酸和甲基马尿酸固相萃取-离子色谱-电导同时测定法 被引量:3

Simultaneous determination of hippuric acid and methylhippuric acids in human urine by solid phase extraction-ion chromatography coupled with conductivity detector
摘要 目的建立人体尿液中马尿酸(HA)和甲基马尿酸(MHA)的离子色谱测定方法。方法采用C18固相萃取小柱萃取尿液中的HA和MHA,并用离子色谱-电导检测法检测。结果利用C18固相萃取小柱萃取尿液中的HA和MHA,去除杂质效果良好,回收率高,HA、2-MHA、3-MHA、和4-MHA 4种待测物在Metrosep A5 150阴离子交换柱(150 mm×4.0 mm i.d.,粒径5μm)中14 min之内达到基线分离,且HA和MHA的峰高与其浓度呈现良好的线性,4种待测物的检出限分别为0.02、0.02、0.02和0.04μg/ml,平均回收率为90.1%~103.8%,RSD在1.7%~4.9%之间,建立的方法用于鞋厂工人班末尿中HA和MHA的测定,均检出HA。结论该方法简单、快速、灵敏并且准确性高且绿色环保,适用于尿液中HA和MHA的测定。 [Objective]To establish an ion chromatographic method for the determination of hippuric acid(HA) and methylhippuric acids(MHA) in human urine.[Methods] HA and MHA in human urine were purified by C18 solid phase extraction column, and were determined by ion chromatography coupled with conductivity detector. [ Results ] There was a prominent effect in removing impurities and high recoveries by using C18 solid phase extraction column. HA,2-MHA,3-MHA and 4-MHA could be well separated within 14 min in an anion exchange column(150 mm×4.0 mm i.d.,5 μm particle size),and good linear relationships between the peak height and the concentration of HA and MHA could be obtained. The detection limit of four components was 0.02,0.02,0.02 and 0.04 μg/ml,respectively. The recoveries and the RSD ranged from 90.1% to 103.8% and 1.7% to 4.9%,respectively. The developed method was applied to detect the HA and MHA in the human urine samples of shoes factory workers,and HA was detected. [Conclusion] The proposed method is sensitivity,rapid,accuracy and eco-friendly. It is suitable for the determination of HA and MHA in human urine.
作者 郑丽辉 陈进国 曾垂焕 柯宗枝 ZHENG Li-hui;CHEN Jin-guo;ZENG Chui-huan;KE Zong-zhi(Department of Occupational Heahh,Fujian Provincial Center for Occupational Disease and Chemical Poisoning Control & Prevention,Fuzhou Fujian,350001,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2018年第18期2523-2526,共4页 Occupation and Health
基金 福建省卫生厅青年科研课题资助项目(2013-02-20)
关键词 离子色谱 电导检测器 马尿酸 甲基马尿酸 人体尿样 Ion chromatography Conductivity detector Hippuric acid Methylhippuric acids Human urine samples
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