
美国与世界其他国家的图书馆学教育史研究述评 被引量:5

A Research Review on the History of Library Science Education in America and Other Countries in the World
摘要 [目的/意义]对美国和世界主要发达国家图书馆学教育史研究的代表性成果进行梳理和评述,以了解和掌握国外图书馆学教育史研究关注的问题,为我国图书馆学教育史的研究提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]通过检索国外数据库和网络文献源,筛选出相关主题的核心文献进行研读,以20世纪80年代纪念美国图书馆学教育创建100周年的研究文献为重点,对80年代前后美国图书馆学教育史研究成果进行梳理和分析,同时对世界其他国家的相关研究成果进行简要评述。[结果/结论]认为国外图书馆学教育史研究体现了明显的"今史观",通过回顾图书馆学教育的历史,思考当今图书馆学教育存在的问题和未来图书馆学教育的发展;在研究中比较重视对史料、史实的搜集和运用;同时主张"大教育史"观,将各种形式的图书馆学教育纳入到图书馆学教育史的研究范围。 [ Purpose/significance ] This article sorted out and commented on the representative achievements in the history of the library science education of the United States and some other developed countries in the world, aiming at a better understanding of the issues concerned in the history of the library science education in foreign countries, and provi- ding experiences that can be drawn on by our country. [ Method/process] Based on an overview of the foreign databases and online literature, this article selected and analyzed the core studies of the related topics. With the focus on the litera- ture commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the library science education in the 1980s, this article ana- lyzed the research of the history of the library science education in the U. S as well as in other countries. [ Result/conclusion ] The concept of "modern history" was obviously revealed in the reviewed literature of the library science education in foreign countries. The currently existing problems and the future development of the library science education were consid- ered through the review of the history of the library science education. In this study, more attention was paid to the collec- tion and the use of historical data and historical facts. Meanwhile, the concept of "history of great education" was advocated, and various forms of the library science education were put into the research scope of the library science education history.
作者 肖希明 杨婧婷 齐斌弟 Xiao Ximing;Yang Jingting;Qi Bindi(School of Information Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan 43007)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第19期120-128,共9页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国图书馆学教育百年史及其文化影响研究"(项目编号:17ZDA295)研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆学教育史 美国 述评 history of library science education America research review
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