语法学习离不开语境和人际互动, 本文针对这一现象展开分析, 强调真实语境在语言教学中的重要性.并以教学案例的形式探讨如何利用信息技术, 把语法学习内容借助虚拟实境呈现, 设置语言学习任务链, 给予学生 “活学活用语法” 体验, 促进学生与学生、 学生与学习材料的人际互动, 最终达成语用目的.
This article concerns that language learning occurs through interaction between linguisticforms and contextual use and it gives relevant analysis in light of the main notion. Contextualization andinteraction which serve as a guiding principle play an important role in grammar learning. This interactionensures correct use of what has been learned. A mechanism underlying educational technology can providevarious virtual contexts so that teachers enable students to experience contextual language use by settingaseries of tasks. The case enriches the above ideas.
Liao Chunfeng(Futian Educational Science Research Institute of Shenzhen,Shenzhen Guangdong 518048,China)
Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education