采用样线、样地和观测点相结合的调查方法,对湘潭县齐白石森林公园的植被进行了系统调查。结果表明,公园共有维管植物158科534属926种,含植物种数5种及以上的科有41科,包含592种,分别占森林公园总科数和总种数的25. 94%、63. 93%,它们是本森林公园的优势科,其中以禾本科、蔷薇科和菊科多样性最高。公园内野生种子植物130科可划分为10个分布区类型,野生种子植物443属,可以划分为15个分布区类型。各种植被类型交错分布,呈现出森林公园多样化的景观类型。
The systematic survey of vegetation of the Qi Baishi Forest Park in Xiangtan County was carried out using three survey methods,includes line sampling,plot sampling and observation points sampling. The results showed that there are 926 vascular species in the park,which belongs to 534 genera and 158 families. Among them,there are 41 families containing 5 or more species of plants,in total of 592 species. They account for 25. 94% of the total family number and 63. 93% of total species number in the forest park. They are the dominant family in this park,among which Gramineae, Rosaceae and Compositae have the highest diversity. The native plants in the park belong to 130 family,which can be divided into 10 distribution areas;they belong to 443 genera,which can be divided into 15 distribution area types. All kinds of vegetation are interlaced,it shows a diversity of landscape types in forest park.
CHU Lizhi(Forestry Bureau of Xiangtan County,Xiangtan 411228,China)
Hunan Forestry Science & Technology