
基于时间最优控制的起重机防摆控制技术研究 被引量:2

Research on Anti Swing Control of Crane Based on Time Optimal Control
摘要 龙门吊起重机广泛应用在港口、火车站、仓库及许多大型工程建设中,并起到十分重要的物流运输作用.吊重起升机构的防摆控制技术对提高装卸效率、减轻操作人员的工作强度、减少起重机运行过程中的安全隐患具有较大研究价值.在此背景下,对起重机吊摆系统进行动力学分析与防摆控制研究.首先,探讨起重机防摆控制的方法,包括多状态反馈方法、最优控制方法、模糊PID等智能方法;然后,建立龙门起重机的动力学模型,用MATLAB仿真功能验证数学模型的有效性.创新地应用了时间最优控制方法,并用Simulink进行仿真实验,分析控制系统的运动学和动力学性能.仿真结果验证了控制方案的合理性. Gantry cranes are widely used in port,railway station, warehouse and many large projects. They play a very important role in logistics and transportation. Anti-swing control technology of hoisting mechanism is of great research value in improving loading and unloading efficiency, reducing the working strength of operators and the safety hidden danger in crane operation. Under this background, the dynamic analysis and anti-pendulum control of crane hoisting system are studied. Crane anti-swing control method is discussed firstly, including multiple state feedback method, optimal control method and Fuzzy PID intelligent method. Then the dynamic model of gantry crane is established. The validity of the mathematical model is verified by MATLAB simulation. The time optimal control method is applied to the innovation. The simulation experiment is carried out using Simulink. The kinematics and dynamic performance of the control system are analyzed. The rationality of the control scheme is verified by using simulation results.
作者 宋劲松 李凌 张明哲 SONG Jin-song, LI Ling, ZHANG Ming-zhe(Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China)
出处 《沈阳化工大学学报》 CAS 2018年第3期273-278,共6页 Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
基金 自动化类专业教学指导委员会专业教育教学改革研究课题(2014A30)
关键词 时间最优控制 SIMULINK 消摆 起重机 time optimal control simulink elimination pendulum crane
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