
北京市农村中小学教师队伍建设的现实困境及改革路径 被引量:1

The Realistic Predicament of the Construction of Teaching Body and the Path of Reform in Rural Primary and Middle Schools in Beijing
摘要 北京市农村中小学教师队伍建设既有与中西部地区类似的问题,也有发达城市郊区面临的独特政策困境。对北京市10个郊区农村教师进行访谈和调查,获得质性资料和量化数据,发现北京市农村中小学教师队伍建设还存在5个现实困境:编制紧张与短缺共存,招聘难与外地优质生源难以引入,年龄结构失衡,学历高但学历内涵质量不高,优秀教师少并流失严重。未来北京需要通过转变教师需求核算方式、提升教师工资待遇、科学制定教师招聘计划、职前吸引本地生源从教、职后利用高等教育资源对口支持、动员多方社会力量弥补农村教育短板等一系列政策组合拳改善农村教师队伍建设的现状。 The construction of the teaching body in rural primary and middle schools in Beijing is faced with both the problems in central and western regions and the special policy predicament in the suburbs of de-veloped cities. Qualitative and quantitative data got from the investigation and the interview with ten rural teachers in the suburbs of Beijing shows that there exist five predicaments in the construction of the teaching body in rural primary and middle schools : the shortage of authorized strength, the difficulty in recruiting excellent teachers and in engaging non-local high quality recruits, the imbalanced age structure of teachers, the high academic credentials but low educational levels of teachers, the lack of excellent teachers and the serious brain drain. To promote the teaching body of rural schools in the future, it is necessary for Beijing to change the pattern of calculating teacher requirement, raise teachers' salaries , work out a scientific recruit plan, attract more native bom students to teach , make full use of higher education resources to train the rural teachers, and mobilize allsocial forces to remove the bottleneck of rural education.
作者 周惠 ZHOU Hui(Center for the Study of Teachers,Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100036,China)
出处 《教师发展研究》 2018年第3期34-39,共6页 Teacher Development Research
基金 北京市教工委2015年度委托课题"北京市农村中小学教师队伍建设调查研究"(2015017)
关键词 北京市 农村教师 教师队伍建设 教师编制 教师流失 Beijing rural teacher construction of the teaching body authorized strength teacher drain
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