
运用两种膳食评价方法评估育龄期女性膳食摄入 被引量:3

Evaluation of dietary intake of women in childbearing age by two dietary assessment methods
摘要 目的评估分析武汉市某区育龄期女性膳食营养摄入状况,并比较两种膳食评价方法,为促进孕前合理膳食和优生优育提供理论依据。方法选取2016年3月至2017年9月至武汉市某区妇幼保健院参加孕前优生优育健康检查、年龄为20~45岁、常居武汉市的191名育龄期女性为调查对象,采用经过验证的半定量食物频率问卷调查(SQFFQ)方法,详细询问过去4周食物摄入频率及摄入量,用营养软件系统分析其膳食营养素摄入量,将其与《中国居民平衡膳食宝塔(2016)》、《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(2013)》对比分析,并利用中国膳食质量指数(INFH-UNC-CH DQI)方法,综合评价膳食营养状况。结果对比分析的结果表明,育龄期女性粮谷类、水产类、奶及制品、豆类及坚果不足率分别为70.68%、63.87%、76.44%、80.10%;畜禽肉类、脂肪供能比超标率分别为29.32%、71.20%;钙、硒、碘、维生素B1、维生素B2不足率分别为70.15%、82.20%、62.30%、72.77%、57.59%;铁、锌、维生素A、维生素E、维生素B3、维生素C达标率分别为55.49%、90.06%、70.68%、58.64%、80.62%、62.31%。运用中国膳食质量指数方法分析结果表明,膳食多样性得分-4~0分者占81.67%,其中构成膳食多样性的豆制品、奶制品、薯类、水产类及深色蔬菜摄入量低;蔬菜水果摄入量达到推荐值者占总人群的75.39%;总脂肪、饱和脂肪供能比高于推荐值者分别占96.34%、65.45%。摄入不足、摄入不平衡、摄入过量三种膳食模式人数占比分别为19.90%、35.60%、44.50%。结论育龄期女性膳食存在摄入不足、过量以及不平衡问题。粮谷类、水产类、奶及制品及豆类坚果摄入不足,畜禽肉类摄入过量,蛋白质供能比基本合适,脂肪供能比超标,钙、铁、硒、碘、维生素E、维生素B1、维生素B2摄入不足。应加强平衡膳食宣教并采取针对性的措施,改善其膳食质量。 Objective To assess dietary intake of women in childbearing age in a certain district of Wuhan and to compare the two dietary evaluation methods for providing a theoretical basis for promoting reasonable diet and prenatal and postnatal care.Methods A total of 191 women of childbearing age aged 20 to 45 and living in Wuhan City,who participated in physical examination before pregnancy during March 2016 to September 2017 in a Maternal and Child Health Hospital in a district of Wuhan were selected as research objects.The semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire(SQFFQ)that had been verified was adopted to inquire about the frequency and quantity of food intake during past 4 weeks.Nutritional food analysis software was used to analyze dietary intake,which was compared with the Chinese Residents' Balanced Diet Pagoda(2016)and Chinese Residents' Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes(2013),and the China's Dietary Quality Index(Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Diet Quality Index,INFH-UNC-CH DQI)was adopted to comprehensively evaluate the dietary quality.Results According to the results from the comparison between the Chinese Residents' Balanced Diet Pagoda(2016)and Chinese Residents' Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes(2013),the insufficient rate of the cereals,aquatic products,milk and its products,legume and nuts in women of childbearing age was 70.68%,63.87%,76.44% and 80.10%,respectively.The excessive consumption rate of livestock,poultry,and the calories percentage from fat was 29.32% and 71.20%,respectively.The insufficient rate of calcium,selenium,iodine,vitamin B1,and vitamin B2 was 70.15%,82.20%,62.30%,72.77% and 57.59%,respectively.The appropriate intake rate of iron,zinc,vitamin A,vitamin E,vitamin B3,and vitamin C was 55.49%,90.06%,70.68%,58.64%,80.62%and 62.31%,respectively.The results of China's Dietary Quality Index showed that 81.67% women in the research scored-4 to 0 in dietary diversity components,of which the intake of soybean products,dairy products,potatoes,aquatic products,and dark vegetables was insufficient,while the women who had reached the recommended value for fruits and vegetables accounted for 75.39% of the total population.The women whose calories percentage from total fat and saturated fat was higher than the recommended values accounted for 96.34% and 65.45%,respectively.Three kinds of diet patterns,which were undernutrition,unbalanced nutrition and over-nutrition was 19.90%,35.60% and 44.50%,respectively.Conclusion There are undernutrition,unbalanced nutrition and over-nutrition in the dietary intake of women of childbearing age.Women of childbearing age have inadequate intakes of cereals,aquatic products,milk and its products,legume and nuts,but the intakes of livestock and poultry are excessive.The calories percentage from protein is appropriate,while the percentage from fat is excessive.The intakes of calcium,iron,selenium,iodine,vitamin E,vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 are lower than recommended values.Education of rational diet should be strengthened to improve their diet quality.
作者 叶晓娟 宋琪 蔡翠华 黄俊 倪泽敏 姚静 YE Xiao-juan;SONG Qi;CAI Cui-hua;HUANG Jun;NI Ze-min;YAO Jing(Jiang'an Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Hubei Wuhan 430014,China)
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2018年第9期1135-1141,共7页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
基金 达能膳食营养研究及宣教基金资助项目(编号:DIC2015-08)
关键词 育龄期女性 半定量食物频率法 中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量 中国居民平衡膳食宝塔 中国膳食质量指数 women of childbearing age l semi-quantitative food frequency method Chinese Residents' Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes Chinese Residents" Balanced Diet Pagoda China s Dietary Quality Index
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