
三种典型土壤固定态铵及其释放研究初探 被引量:4

Preliminary Comparison of Fixed Ammonium and Its Release in Three Typical Soils
摘要 通过探究三种典型土壤(黑土、潮棕壤、红壤)的固铵潜力,及其达到最大固铵量后的释放状况,比较了三种土壤固定态铵库在土壤养分管理中的重要性。结果表明:随着氮加入量(NH4Cl)的增大,黑土和潮棕壤的固定态铵含量随之提升,当NH4Cl加入量(以N量计)达到3000mg kg^(-1)时,黑土和潮棕壤达到最大固铵量,此时两种土壤分别新固定铵140.2和162.0 mg kg^(-1);然而,红壤的固定态铵含量不随加氮量的增加而提高。在连续振荡淋洗实验中,黑土新固定铵的释放率为14.8%,潮棕壤新固定铵的释放率为29.9%,红壤的固定态铵含量没有明显变化。综上,不同土壤对加入铵的固定能力不同,潮棕壤固铵能力高于黑土,且更易释放出来供植物吸收利用,该过程对农业生产具有重要意义;而红壤几乎不固定加入的铵,且原固定态铵也较难释放出来,故在此类土壤上氮素的保存与供给应更依赖于生物过程。三种土壤固定态铵库在氮素养分管理中的重要性为:潮棕壤>黑土>红壤。 The maximum fixation capacity of NH4^+ in three typical farmland soils in China, i.e. Black Soil, Aquic Brown Earth and Red Soil, was analyzed in the present study.Subsequently, the release of fixed NH4^+ was studied with the sequential elution method.The significance of fixed NH4^+ pool in nutrient management was compared in the test soils.The results showed that the fixed NH4^+ increased with the increasing application rates of NH4Cl. Underthe concentration of NH4Cl at 3000 mg kg^-1, the recently fixed NH4^+ reached the maximum of 140.2 and 162.0 mg kg^-1 in Black Soil and Aquic Brown Earth, respectively. On the other hand, no significant change of fixed NH4^+ was observed in Red Soil with the NH4Cl addition. After sequential elution, 14.8% and 29.9% of recently fixed NH4^+ released in the Black Soil and Aquic Brown Earth, respectively; whereas little fixed NH4^+ released in the Red Soil. Therefore, the capacity of NH4^+ fixation varied with different soil types. Compared with Black Soil, the higher capacity of fixation and release of NH4^+ in Aquic Brown Earth implied the greater importance of fixed NH4^+ pool in agricultural production.However, fixed NH4^+ pool was stable in Red Soil, indicating there was little recently fixed NH4^+ and its release, and conservation and supply of fertilizer N relied more on biotic process in this soil. In general, the importance of fixed NH4^+ pool in nutrient managementofthe three soils followed the order of Aquic Brown Earth Black Soil Red Soil.
作者 刘淑芳 马强 徐永刚 宇万太 潘飞飞 周桦 周长瑞 LIU Shu-fang;MA Qiang;XU Yong-gang;YU Wan-tai;PAN Fei-fei;ZHOU Hua;ZHOU Chang-rui(Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Science,Shenyang 110016,China;University of Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100049,China;Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223300,China)
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期882-888,共7页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
基金 国家支撑计划课题(2015BAD05B01) 国家自然科学基金(41471250 41171242)资助
关键词 固定态铵 新固铵量 释放 有效性 土壤养分管理 Fixed ammonium Recently fixed ammonium Release Availability Soil nutrient management
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