Creep of refractories at high temperatures may have significant influences on the thermomechanical behavior of refractory linings in industrial vessels,and thus the consideration of creep in finite element modeling of industrial vessels is necessary. The present paper introduces an advanced high temperature compressive creep device and a proper inverse procedure using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to identify Norton-Bailey creep parameters. In addition,finite element thermomechanical modeling results of a RH-snorkel are presented to illustrate the impact of creep,creep formulations and creep models on the circumferential stress and joint opening of the working lining.
Creep of refractories at high temperatures may have significant influences on the thermomechanical behavior of refractory linings in industrial vessels,and thus the consideration of creep in finite element modeling of industrial vessels is necessary. The present paper introduces an advanced high temperature compressive creep device and a proper inverse procedure using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to identify Norton-Bailey creep parameters. In addition,finite element thermomechanical modeling results of a RH-snorkel are presented to illustrate the impact of creep,creep formulations and creep models on the circumferential stress and joint opening of the working lining.