
冠状静脉窦闭锁的CT诊断 被引量:4

Diagnosis of coronary sinus orifice atresia by multisliecs helieal CT
摘要 目的评价多层螺旋CT对冠状静脉窦闭锁(CSOA)的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析2007年2月~2017年12月经MSCT诊断为CSOA的9例患者,男性7例,女性2例,年龄37~78岁。结果由MSCT确定为CSOA的9例患者中,5例冠状静脉异常回流至左心房,3例异常回流入右心房,1例引流入左上腔静脉。结论 MSCT可以完整显示冠状静脉窦的起源和走行,可以在CSOA的诊断中发挥重要作用。 Objective To discuss the value of nmltisliecs helical CT in the diagnosis of coronary sinus ostial atresia (CSOA). Methods Nine patients with CSOA (aged 37 -78 years; 7 males; 2 females) between February 2007 and December 2017 underwent MSCT were retrospectively analyzed. Results Nine patients were diagnosed CSOA with MSCT, in which the coronary venous flow abnormally entered into the left atrimn (5/9), the right atrimn (3/9), the left superior vena cava (1/9), respectively. Conclusion MSCT can show the origin and course of the coronary sinus perfectly, and play an important role in the diagnosis of CSOA.
作者 马建勇 费锡峰 王东 毛定飚 MA Jianyong1 , FEI Xifeng1, WANG Dong1 , MAO Dingbiao2(1. Department of Imaging, Wuxi Second People's Hospital, Wuxi 214002, P. R. China; 2. Department of Radiology, The Affiliated Huadong Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, P. R. China)
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2018年第9期1446-1447,1456,共3页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 先天性心脏病 冠状静脉窦闭锁 体层摄影术 X线计算机 Congenital heart disease Coronary sinus orifice atresia Tomography X-ray computed
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