
吉林省中部一季稻区推荐施肥方法研究 被引量:11

Study on Recommended Fertilization Method in One-season Rice Area of Central Jilin Province
摘要 基于2013—2016年在吉林省永吉县、九台区、梨树县和前郭县开展的40组田间试验,通过研究稻谷产量、养分吸收量、肥料利用效率及养分平衡等指标,比较了测土配方(ST)与NE养分专家系统(NE)两种推荐施肥方法在吉林省中部一季稻区的应用效果与适用性。结果表明:农民习惯施肥(FP)处理稻谷产量平均为9.17t/hm^2,ST(9.21t/hm^2)和NE(9.24t/hm^2)处理产量均高于FP处理但并无显著差异。氮肥农学利用率以NE处理显著高于FP处理,磷肥农学利用率以ST处理显著高于FP、NE处理,而钾肥农学利用率无显著差异。FP、ST和NE处理的地上部养分吸收及肥料回收利用率方面均无显著差异。养分表观平衡方面,FP、ST和NE处理的土壤氮素均为盈余,其中FP>ST>NE。磷素则为小幅亏缺,而钾素大幅亏缺。不同区域处理间表现存在差异,与其他3个地区不同,前郭县ST处理的产量、植株养分吸收量及肥料农学利用率总体上低于NE处理。综上,ST和NE推荐施肥方法在吉林省中部一季稻区均有减肥、稳产、增效的良好效果,两种方法在半湿润地区(永吉、九台和梨树)适用性均较好,而半干旱地区(前郭)以NE方法相对较好。 Based on 40 field experiments carried out in Yongji,Jiutai,Lishu and QianGuo counties of central Jilin province from 2013 to 2016,the application effects and applicability of two recommended fertilization methods(i.e.soil testing and formulated fertilization(ST),and nutrient expert system(NE))were compared by investigating grain yield,plant nutrient uptake,fertilizer use efficiency and apparent nutrient balance in one-season rice area.The results showed that the average rice grain yield was 9.17 t/hm^2 in the farmer practice fertilization(FP)treatment,the average grain yield was 9.21 and 9.24 t/hm^2 in ST and NE treatment,respectively,which were higher than that of FP,but there were no significant difference.The agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer in NE treatment was higher than that in ST treatment,and agronomic efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer in ST treatment was higher than those in FP and NE treatments,while there was no significant difference in agronomic efficiency of potassium fertilizer.Overall,no significant difference was observed in plant nutrient uptake and fertilizer recovery efficiency among the FP,ST and NE treatments.For the apparent balance of nutrients,soil nitrogen in three treatments all showed evident surplus,and the value followed the order of FP〉ST〉NE,while soil phosphorus and potassium showedslight and dramatical deficit,respectively.There were differences in the performance between different regions,the grain yield,plant nutrient uptake and fertilizer agronomic efficiency were relatively lower in ST treatment than those in NE treatment in Qianguo county,and this was different from the other three regions.In conclusion,both ST and NE methods showed well application effects on reducing fertilizer rate,maintaining high grain yield and increasing fertilizer use efficiency in the one-season rice area of central Jilin Province.The applicability of two methods were both well in semi-humid region(i.e.Yongji,Jiutai and Lishu),however it was relatively better for NE than ST in semi-arid region(i.e.Qianguo).
作者 刘奕 王寅 李春林 焉莉 冯国忠 刘烁然 高强 何萍 LIU Yi;WANG Yin;LI Chunlin;YAN Li;FENG Guozhong;LIU Shuoran;GAO Qiang;HE Ping(Jilin Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources in the Commodity Grain Bases,College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beij ing 100081)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期273-278,共6页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200101)
关键词 吉林省 水稻 推荐施肥 产量 养分吸收 肥料利用效率 Jilin Province rice recommended fertilization grain yield nutrient uptake fertilizer useefficiency
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