
复合型环保试剂配合超声快速组织处理仪对肿瘤活检标本HE制片影响因素的分析 被引量:7

Effects of environment protective reagent and ultrasonic assisted rapid processing on HE staining of tumor biopsy specimens
摘要 目的探讨复合型环保试剂对肿瘤活检组织HE制片中的固定、快速超声组织处理仪设定的工作温度及时间等主要因素的影响。方法选取56例术后组织标本,模拟术前活检标本进行取材,每例样本取材3块,直径为1~3 mm。3块组织分别归入对照组(传统活检组织处理方法)、实验1组(4%中性甲醛固定及复合型环保试剂配合超声快速组织处理仪方法)和实验2组(复合型环保试剂直接固定及超声快速组织处理仪边缘条件方法),实验1组和实验2组分别设定不同的固定方式、处理时间和温度对组织进行处理。2位病理医师盲法独立观察3组的HE切片并评分,采用t检验方法统计组间差异。结果实验1组与对照组比较,HE片评分没有差异(P>0.69,95%CI:-0.33-0.498);实验2组与对照组比较,HE片评分没有差异(P>0.07,95%CI:-0.83-0.04);实验1组与实验2组比较,实验1组HE片评分显著高于实验2组(P<0.03,95%CI:0.046-0.92),实验2组评分均值均小于对照组和实验1组,有显著差异。结论利用复合型环保试剂配合超声快速组织处理仪可以大大缩短组织处理时间,但不恰当的处理温度和时间及用复合型环保试剂直接固定会对肿瘤活检组织HE染色结果产生影响。 Objective To discuss the impact in histologic diagnosis( HE staining) by using environment protective reagent and ultrasonic assisted rapid processing equipment to process tumor biopsies. Methods Fifty-four patients that underwent surgery between February 2017 and April 2017 at the National Cancer Center and Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,were enrolled to simulate the preoperative biopsy in this study. Each postoperative specimen was cut into 3 pieces,with the diameter of 1-3 mm each. The cases were grouped into control group( routine processing method),experiment group 1( the recommended method of the environment protective ultrasonic assisted rapid processing equipment) and experiment group 2( environment protective ultrasonic assisted rapid processing equipment but with the edge conditions),to be processed by different fixed methods,processing time and processing temperature. HE slides were scored by two pathologists independently and blindly. Results There was no statistical difference( P = 0. 688,95% CI:0. 688 0. 498) between experiment group 1 and control group in HE scores,and there was no statistical difference( P =0. 072,95% CI: 0. 072-0. 035) between experiment group 2 and control group in HE scores. However,the experiment group 1 had significantly higher HE scores than group 2( P = 0. 031,95% CI: 0. 0457-0. 917) and experiment group 2 had lower HE scores than the control group and experimental group 1. Conclusion Environment protective reagent and ultrasonic assisted rapid processing equipment can substantially shorten the processing time,but with environmental protection agent directly fixed,processing time and temperature have significant impact on histologic morphology.
作者 郑波 王鹏姣 薛丽燕 沈贵华 应建明 ZHENG Bo;WANG Peng-jiao;XUE Li-ycm;SHEN Gui-hua;YING Jian-ming(Department of Pathology,National Cancer Center,Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100021,China)
出处 《诊断病理学杂志》 2018年第9期640-643,共4页 Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology
关键词 肿瘤活检标本 复合型环保试剂 超声快速组织处理仪 HE染色 Tumor biopsies Complex environmental protection reagent Ultrasonic assisted rapid processing equipment H&E staining
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