
北魏尔朱氏源出粟特新证——隋修北魏尔朱彦伯墓志发覆兼说虞弘族属及鱼国今地 被引量:5

The Erzhu Clan Originates from Sogdiana in The Northern Wei Dynasty——More Proofs from The Newly-Issued Sui-dynasty Epitaph of Erzhu Yanbo's Tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty and A Concurrent Talk about The YuHong Clan from The State of Yu
摘要 北魏尔朱氏出身契胡,亦即羯胡。羯胡成分十分复杂,尔朱氏是否源出粟特,一直存在不同观点。本文根据新出隋修北魏尔朱彦伯墓志,证明尔朱氏原本姓"安",来自西域,确实源出粟特,到达河东尔朱川后,才改姓尔朱。这说明,粟特民族迁居中国,并不一定都以昭武九姓为姓,也有改姓他姓者。虞弘家族情况相同。虞弘出身稽胡,中古音"稽"可读qǐ,与"契"仅一音之转,故稽胡即契胡、羯胡。虞弘为鱼国人,曾以"鱼"为姓。"鱼"为"渔"之古字,中古时期二者原可通用。"鱼国"实为"渔阳国"之省称,中古墓志有将"渔阳"写作"鱼阳"之例。虞氏由粟特来中国,初居渔阳所在的渔水,故以"渔"亦即"鱼"为姓。此后改"鱼"为"虞",则与北魏孝文帝厉行"汉化",少数族纷纷改胡姓为汉姓,并且攀附汉族大姓有关。 The farther origin of the Northern-Wei Erzhu(reads ěr zhū in Chinese pinyin, the same below) clan is tracked down to the Qihu(qì hú) or Jiehu(jié hú) tribe made of the peoples from complex sources. The debate remains on Erzhu clan being the descendant of Sogdiana, but the newly-issued Sui-dynasty inscription on Erzhu Yanbo's Tomb suggests that the Erzhu clan was originally surnamed ‘An'(ān) who was from the western region, the offspring of the Sogdiana, but changed to Erzhu after they moved to the area of Erzhuchuan(ěr zhū chuān), that's, the new surname of Erzhu is named after Erzhuchuan(ěr zhū chuān). What is discussed above, therefore, suggests that not all Sogdiana people took Zhaowu's nine surnames after they came to China. Coincidentally, the Yuhong(yú hóng) clan descended from the Qihu( 稽胡 qǐ hú) tribe, ‘ 稽 'read ‘qǐ' in middle ancient sound, which is equivalent to Qihu ‘ 契胡 '(Qì hú) and Jiehu ‘ 羯胡 '(Jié hú). The Yuhong clan was originally from the State of ‘Yu', once surnamed ‘Yu'( 鱼 yú). The character of ‘ 渔 ' was based on ‘ 鱼 ', both mean the same in middle ancient times. So the ‘State of Yu'( 鱼国) is actually shortened from the ‘State of Yu Yang'( 渔阳国), which has been supported by ‘ 鱼阳 ' instead of ‘ 渔阳 ' on the tomb epitaphs of the middle ancient times. When the Yu( 虞 yú) clan first settled down along the Yu River of the ‘State of Yu Yang'( 渔阳国) from Soghd to China, they took the place name 渔(yú) as their surname, then changed to ‘ 鱼 '(yú), finally to ‘ 虞 '(yú) in response to the Hanization policy strictly enforced by Emperor Xiaowen( 孝文) of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Some clans took the Han surnames instead of their original ones with the intention of putting themselves under the patronage of higher-up clans.
作者 王素
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期57-71,共15页 Palace Museum Journal
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"新中国出土墓志整理与研究("批准号:12&ZD137)系列成果之一 国家社科基金专项资助
关键词 尔朱氏 粟特 墓志 虞弘 鱼国 渔阳国 the Erzhu clan Sogdiana epitaph the Yuhong clan State of Yu State of Yu Yang
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