
FIFA 11+对青少年校园足球运动员膝关节肌力的影响 被引量:9

Effects of FIFA 11+ on Knee Muscle Strength in Youth Amateur Football Players
摘要 目的:探讨8周FIFA 11+练习对青少年校园足球运动员膝关节等速肌力的影响。方法:将16名初中男子足球队队员随机分为FIFA 11+练习组和对照组,每组8人。所有队员的踢球优势侧均为右侧。FIFA 11+组每周进行2次FIFA 11+练习,均安排在训练前的热身阶段;对照组则进行球队日常热身练习。实验持续8周,比较实验前后FIFA 11+组和对照组膝关节在60°/s和180°/s两个角速度下等速肌力变化幅度(△=实验后-实验前)的差异。结果:8周干预后,FIFA 11+组非优势侧左膝关节60°/s屈曲时的腘绳肌峰值力矩、相对峰值力矩、峰值功率、相对峰值功率增加幅度均显著高于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01),优势侧右膝关节未见显著性变化(P>0.05)。左右两侧膝关节60°/s伸展时的股四头肌等速肌力变化也未见显著性差异(P>0.05)。8周干预后,两侧膝关节180°/s时的等速肌力变化均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:8周FIFA 11+练习可显著改善青少年校园足球运动员非优势侧膝关节腘绳肌的肌力。 Objective To explore the effect of FIFA 11+ on isokinetic knee strength of youth ama-teur football players. Methods Sixteen youth amateur football players from the same junior middleschool were randomly and equally divided into an FIFA 11+ and a control group. The dominant kick-ing legs of all players were the right ones. All players in the FIFA 11+ group practiced FIFA 11+twice a week as a warm-up program before starting regular training,while the control group kept theirregular warm-up practice for the whole study lasting for eight weeks. The gap in isokinetic kneestrength before and after the intervention was analyzed and compared between groups. Concentric iso-kinetic test protocols for knee joints were used to measure the knee flexor and extensor musclestrength at two angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s. Results After the intervention,the improvement of the peak torque,relative peak torque,peak power and relative peak power of the left knee flexion(non-dominant hamstrings) at 60°/s was more significant in the FIFA 11+ group,compared with the controlgroup(P〈0.05 or P〈0.01). On the contrary,no similar significance was found in the right legs(P〉0.05).There were also no significant changes in the isokinetic tests of the left and right knee extensors(quadri-ceps) at 60°/s. Moreover,there was no difference between the FIFA 11+ and control groups in pre-topost-test changes of knee strength at 180°/s. Conclusions Eight-week FIFA 11+ training can effectivelyimprove the hamstring strength of the non-dominant legs of youth amateur football players.
作者 徐金成 胡水清 孙天龙 李湧 米奕翔 高璨 杨丽川 王珺 王晓 陈硕 吴建美 回春雨 林旭 蒙儒 Xu Jincheng;Hu Shuiqing;Sun Tianlong;Li Yong;Mi Yixiang;Gao Can;Yang Lichuan;Wang Jun;Wang Xiao;Chen Shuo;Wu Jianmei;Hui Chunyu;Lin Xu;Meng Ru(China Institute of Sport Science,Beijing 100061,China;Chaoyang Branch,Beifing Chenjinglun Middle School,Beijing 100102,China;National Institute of Sports Medicine,Beijing 100061,China;Beijing MR Sports Culture Development Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100102,China)
出处 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期738-746,共9页 Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine
基金 人社部2016年度留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(委2016-19) 国家体育总局全民健身研究领域课题(2015B050) 国家体育总局体育科学研究所基本科研业务费资助课题(基本2017-35 2016-20)共同资助 中国足球协会青少年足球科研课题(2016-6)
关键词 FIFA 11+ 足球 青少年 膝关节 肌力 FIFA 11+ football children and adolescents knee muscle strength
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