
近十年来走向世界的郭沫若研究 被引量:6

Guo Moruo Study Going to the World in the Past Decade
摘要 近十年来,郭沫若研究在国外的境遇与国内对郭沫若的认知出现了很大的反差。郭沫若研究不仅走出了中国,而且在国外影响越来越大:由外国学者发起、在国外名校注册成立了国际郭沫若学会;以郭沫若为研究对象的国际学术研讨会和高端学术论坛在国外频繁地举行;郭沫若研究在越来越多的国家展开。这标志着郭沫若研究的国际化程度不断推进和扩展。十年前,国外的郭沫若研究者主要集中在日本、俄罗斯等少数国家,不仅研究者数量少,而且相互之间缺乏联系,呈散兵游勇状态。近十年,随着国际郭沫若学会和国内学者组织的重要学术活动的开展,国外的郭沫若研究专家逐渐形成合力,初步发挥了合作攻关的优势。郭沫若研究这一中国的学术课题,获得了越来越广泛的国际关注和更开阔的国际视野。在方兴未艾的国外郭沫若研究景观背后,有许多来自国内的重要推手。中国境内有关机构、高校及学者做了大量卓有成效的工作,推动了郭沫若研究的国际化。 The past decade has witnessed a striking contrast between the situation of Guo Morou study abroad and the cognition of Guo Morno at home. Guo Morno study has not only gone out of China, but had more influence than ever abroad. International Guo Morno Academy, initiated by foreign scholars, was registered and founded by elite foreign universities; international symposiums and high- end academic forums, taking Guo Morno study as the object, have been held abroad frequently; the study has been carried out in more and more countries. These mark the continuous deepening and extension of the internationalization of Guo Morno study. Ten years ago, foreign scholars of Guo Moruo study were mainly found in a few countries such as Japan and Russia. These scholars, small in number, were barely academically connected with each other. Now, with the canTing-out of important academic activities organized by International Guo Morou Academy and scholars at home, the foreign experts on Guo Morno study are gradually cooperating and beginning to show more advantage in making concerted effort in this study. Guo Moruo study, a Chinese academic subject, has drawn more and more conc, ern from abroad and opened a broader international vision. Behind the unfolding Guo Moruo study abroad are lots of important researchers coming from China. Domestic institutions, colleges and universities and scholars concerned have done lots of effective and fruitful work, promoting the internationalization of Cuo Morou study.
作者 魏建 Wei Jian(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Shandong Normal University,Jinan Shandong,250014)
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期1-10,共10页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持研究的国家社科基金重点项目"郭沫若作品修改及因由研究"(14AZA014)的阶段性成果
关键词 郭沫若研究 国际郭沫若学会 《女神》 文献史料 Guo Morou study International Guo Morou Academy The Goddesses documentation andhistorical materials
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