Whether royalties, lieense fees, software fees and assist should be included in eustoms value is reeently a hot issue in eustoms valuation in China as well as in those eountries that entered into the WTO earlier. Through a eomparison among China, the US and South Korea in the practiee of eus- toms valuation, it is diseovered that China deviates from the rules provided in CVA and imposes duplicate taxation. From the perspeetive of businesses, there exists the intention to reduee the tax burden by disguising the payment for the goods as royalties and license fees. However, the intention should not be taken as the ground to ealeulate the royalties and lieense fees into the transaetion value sinee this practiee will inevitably lead to the eonfliet or dilemma that the same payment is dealt with on the basis of both goods and service. In particular, the development of many multinational companies and high-teeh eompanies are undergoing tremendous impaet from this praetiee. Nevertheless, the eustoms administration has the strong intention to inerease tax reeovery under CVA, and thus royalties and lieense fees turn into a big eoneern for eustoms. The paper lists out the risks and recommendations of eustoms valuation through a eomparison of enforcement among different eountries.
Journal of Customs and Trade