The " CLOUD Act", which was passed by the US Congress most recently, has replaced the earlier Storage Communications Act (SCA) , and aims to grant the U. S. government the power to request the electronic information service providers and remote computing service providers to disclose data regardless of the physical location where such data are stored. As the passing of such bill may potentially avoid the search rules that exclude any search without a lawful writ set forth in Article 4 of the constitutional amendment of the United States, it is strongly refuted by American human rights organizations and may also cause a conflict with the territorial principle of public law. By sorting through the case of "Microsoft v. the United States" that triggered this change and referring to the content of the Cloud Act that has been newly enacted and put in force, the article departs from the analysis of the extra-territoriality of jurisdiction and legal conflicts and then looks into the impact of this trend on the development of international law.
Journal of Customs and Trade
Extra-territorial Forensics
Cloud Act
Conflict of Public Law
Data Localization