
人工智能:天使还是魔鬼? 被引量:28

Artificial intelligence: angel or devil?
摘要 随着大数据的兴起与计算资源的丰富,人工智能在诸多应用领域取得了显著突破,成为了世界各国竞相争先的战略制高点.与此同时,人工智能的社会影响日益突出,得到广泛关注的同时也备受争议.本文从宏观视角概览人工智能的基本概念、发展历程、发展现状和未来趋势,试图揭示人工智能的真实面貌和发展规律,致力于引导全社会对人工智能技术的正确认知,并倡议在人工智能发展中应未雨绸缪、形成合力,确保人工智能的正面效应与健康发展,保障人工智能始终造福于人类. Artificial intelligence(AI) achieved important breakthroughs under the joint impetus of an unprecedented volume of data and exponentially growing computing capacities, and therefore became a significant focus of competition among the big powers. Meanwhile, AI showed its transformative impacts on human society and caused increasing public concern as well as considerable controversy. This article tries to draw a realistic panorama of AI at the macro level, including basic concepts, development history, current situation, and future trends; to reveal an unbiased profile and growing rules; and to develop a scientific perspective and realistic expectations of social knowledge. Finally, the article proposes an initiative to face the potential safety risks and challenges. This requires the strengthening of forward-looking prevention and guidance on restraint, the minimization of risk, and ensuring the safe, positive, and profitable development of AI.
作者 谭铁牛 孙哲南 张兆翔 Tieniu TAN;Zhenan SUN;Zhaoxiang ZHANG(Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China)
出处 《中国科学:信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期1257-1263,共7页 Scientia Sinica(Informationis)
关键词 人工智能发展历程 人工智能发展现状 人工智能发展趋势 法律法规 社会伦理 AI development history AI current situation AI trends of development laws and regulations social ethics
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