
滑坡体稳定性影响因素敏感性分析 被引量:1

Sensitivity Analysis of Influential Factors of Landslide Stability
摘要 滑坡体稳定性分析计算时影响因素众多,如滑带土黏聚力、内摩擦角、孔隙水压力及地震力等。由于各因素对稳定系数影响程度不同,因此需要定量分析影响较大的因素,作为滑坡体稳定分析及治理的重点研究对象。以四川省雅砻江中游河段王家滑坡体为例,利用室内试验法、反演法及类比相关工程法综合确定滑坡岩土体力学强度参数(C,φ),由此采用拟合法分析本滑坡体在蓄水前后稳定系数随着滑坡岩土体力学强度参数(C,φ)、孔隙水压力(蓄水造成岩土体饱和度的变化)及地震力的变化之间的相关性和敏感性。结果表明,以上因素与滑坡体稳定系数Fs呈较高的近线性相关,在边坡稳定分析计算时应重点考虑,同时边坡治理应注意边坡截排水措施。 There are many influential factors in the stability analysis of landslide, such as sliding soil cohesion, internal friction angle, pore water pressure and seismic force etc.. The influence of each factor on the stability coefficient is difterent. It is necessary to analyze the factors quantitatively, and find the main influencing factors as the key objects for the stability- analysis and governance of the landslide body. The comprehensive strength of' the landslide rock strength parameters (C, ) is detemfined based on the laboratory test method, the inversion method, and the related engineering analogy, taking the middle reaches of' the Yalong river in Sichuan Province Wang landslide as an example. The change and sensitivity of stability coefficient with physical strength parameters (C, ), pore water pressure (changes of rock mass saturation caused by water storage) and earthquake force before and after storage are analyzed using fitting method. The results show that the above factors have a close linear relationship with the stability coefficient F8 of landslide, which should be considered in the analysis of slope stability and the slope drainage is also should be considered in slope treatment.
作者 詹光亮 ZHAN Guangliang(Ningxia Dekun Geotechnical Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Yinchuan 750001,China)
出处 《宁夏工程技术》 CAS 2018年第3期253-256,259,共5页 Ningxia Engineering Technology
关键词 边坡稳定性系数 黏聚力 内摩擦角 孔隙水压力 地震力 边坡治理 slope stability coefficient cohesive force internal friction angle pore water pressure seismic force slope treatment.
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