
基于国家距离的“一带一路”沿线国家投资战略研究 被引量:1

Research on National Investment Strategy along the Belt and Road Based on National Distance
摘要 近年来中国企业跨国投资活动的步伐明显加快,在一带一路倡议的指引下,将会有更多的企业"走出去"。但是由于东道国与母国间距离而形成的"外来者劣势"成为阻碍企业进行跨国投资的重要因素。本文选取文化、制度、地理以及经济四个维度度量东道国与母国间的距离,探究这四个维度的距离对企业投资的影响程度。研究发现:在影响企业投资决策的国家距离因素中,文化距离和经济距离是主要因素。 In recent years, the pace of China's corporate transnational investment activities has been accelerated significantly, and un- der the One Belt and Road Strategy, more companies will "going global". However, the "outside disadvantage" formed by the distance between the host country and the home country has become an important tactor hindering the enteqorises from transnational invest- ment. This paper selects the tour dimensions of culture, system, geography, and economy to measure the distance between the host country and the mother country, and explores the extent to which these tour dimensions of distance affect corporate investment.The study tound that the smaller the cultural distance, institutional distance and geographical distance between the host country and the home country, the larger the economic distance will be, and the more conducive to attracting transnational investment of enterprises; moreover, cultural distance and economic distance are the main tactors in the national distance tactors that influence the investment decisions of enterprises.
作者 余彦蓉 余翔 郑晓云 Yu Yanrong;Yu Xiang;Zheng Xiaoyun(Guangzhou City Polytechnic.510260,2.Zhejiang University of Technology.310000,3.Quzhou University.324000)
出处 《江苏商论》 2018年第10期59-62,69,共5页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
关键词 国家距离 跨国投资 外来者劣势 national ditterences cross-border investment liability of toreignness
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