
我国第十三届学生运动会健美操大学组难度水平研究 被引量:3

Present Situation of Difficulty Level of Competitive Aerobics Sports University Group in the 13th Student Games
摘要 目的通过对我国第十三届学生运动会大学组健美操比赛男单、女单、混合、三人和五人操各项前3名共15套成套动作中的难度动作进行研究,试图找出当前我国大学生竞技健美操各项成套难度水平现状及发展趋势,以期为我国教练员和运动员们在创编比赛套路时提供参考,为我国竞技健美操运动技术水平的提高提供借鉴。方法文献资料法、录像分析法和数理统计法等研究方法。结果和结论第十三届运动会大学组健美操各单项前3名成套难度动作的选择比例,按照A、B、C、D四个组别为2:1:5:2;选用的难度分值中,男单主要选用1.0和0.7分;女单、三人操主要选用0.6~0.8分;混双主要选用0.5~0.7分;五人主要选用0.6~0.7分的动作。选用频率,A组选择多为托马斯和提臀腾起类;B组为直角支撑、分腿支撑和水平支撑;C组为屈体分腿跳类、剪式变身跳类、屈体跳类和科萨克跳类;D组为转体类和依柳辛类。成套中A类难度较多出现在成套的第八个难度;B类难度选择少,没有特别集中在某个位置,C类较多出现在第四个难度, D类较多出现在第一个和第十个难度。 Objective This study studied the difficulty of 15 sets of exercises in the men's singles, women's singles, mixed, three and five people aerobics competitions of the 13th Student Games in China to find out the present situation and development trend of the difficulty level of competitive aerobics for college students in China, in order to provide reference for coaches and athletes in the creation of competition routines, and to provide reference for the improvement of the technical level of competitive aerobics in China. Methods This paper used the literature data method, video analysis method and mathematical statistics method Results and Conclusion The paper analyzed the ratio of the complete sets of difficulty movements between four groups in the top three of each single competition in the aerobics of the 13th Sports Meet. The ratio between A, B, C, D was 2:1:5:2. Among the difficulty scores selected, the male singles mainly used 1.0 and 0.7 points; The female singles and the three-person sports mainly used 0.6 to 0.8 points; Mixed doubles mainly used 0.5 to 0.7 points; Five people mainly used 0.6 to 0.7 points. The selection frequency was mostly for Thomas and hips; Group B was right angle support, leg support and horizontal support; Group C was flexion and leg -jump, scissor jump, and body,jump and Cossack,jump; Group D was a swivel class and a lysine. The difficulty of class A in the complete set appeared in the eighth difficulty of the set; the difficulty of class B was less, not particularly concentrated in a certain position, the C class appeared more in the fourth difficulty, and the D class appeared more in the first one and the tenth difficulty.
作者 陈瑞琴 常媛媛 CHEN Rui-qin;CHANG Yuan-yuan(School of Physical Education and sports Soochow University,Suzhou Jiangsu,215021)
出处 《湖北体育科技》 2018年第9期803-806,802,共5页 Hubei Sports Science
基金 江苏高校品牌专业建设工程自助项目 苏州市体育局体育科研局管课题(TY2018-106)
关键词 大学组 竞技健美操 难度 现状 university group competitive aerobics difficulty present situation
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